2 Minute Tech Tip: URL Redirects

You have 2 quick minutes to spare, right?  You can learn something really cool about F5 technology!  In this edition of two minute tech tips, you can learn how to do URL redirects using BIG-IP Local Traffic Policies.  Many people use iRules to redirect URLs, but you can use the built-in functionality of the BIG-IP to do this.  iRules are awesome and flexible, but it's always faster and more efficient to use built-in functionality whenever you can.  Enjoy the video!




HTTP Watch screenshot of the URL redirect (shows the 302 return code):

Published Sep 16, 2014
Version 1.0
  • Hi,


    but what do you need to do for a wildcard redirect from https://abc.com/def to https://abc.eu/def please?




  • In newer versions of BIG-IP F5 has completely changed the way policy management UI works. Is there an updated version of this video that can show how to do it with version 12 and newer?


  • @Thomas McLean: This functionality is in v11.4+ Centralized Policy Matching (which includes Local Traffic Policies) replaced HTTP Classes beginning in v11.4
  • What code version is this for? I am running 11.1 and I don't see a policies option and this could come in handy for me. Cheers
  • @James S. - I've been testing the local traffic policies to see if I can specify a 301 or 302 code. Thus far, I haven't found where this can be specified in the policy. The default response code given for these redirects is 302. I attached a screenshot of the HTTP Watch capture...this shows the 302 return code.
  • Can this specify whether the redirect uses an HTTP return code 301 or 302?
  • InnO's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
    >>Can you re-direct to a URI within the same URL that was originally requested? I just was not able to get that working... Seems that this is a simple full redirect...