On Badges
Hello DevCentral Community.
Today I am launching our main community badge schema. 📛
I have been sitting on this for a while waiting - I can wait no longer. I hope this is a fun way for you to see what you have been up to on DevCentral, for others to see how many places you've been on DevCentral, and for us all to be digitally recognized for just how much we are helping each other; everyday.
You can see badges you have earned by navigating to your own My Profile.
At launch (today) - I have set the default email notification to be in a daily-digest. Tomorrow (July 19) I will set the notification back to immediately so you may be notified about badges as you earn them. Many are earned as you engage on the site but some can be earned while you are away.
If you want to change the default you can do so in My Settings > Subscriptions & Notifications > Notification Settings. (linked for convenience)
Some details.
The badges follow a basic pattern with 8 achievement levels for each category. Levels 1 and 2 are visible whether you have achieved them or not, for each of the 10 initial categories. Each category has a different measure. For example, the count of comments to achieve level 4 (Comment-licious) will be different from the count of Kudos given to achieve level 4 (Kudo-licious) and the higher the level, in each category, the harder "the bosses" get. 😄
A very few members, notably JRahm, PSilva, and a few MVP's (who have been around and very active for many years) have reached level 7 or 8 in just a couple of categories but, for the most part, levels 5, 6, 7, and 8 are still wide open. There for the taking.
Enjoy, have fun, and the last thing I'll say is I'm not done with badges; special badges, one-offs, and maybe even a whole new category (or three) will come later.
Thanks for being part of our community.
* "Badges? We ain't got no badges! We don't need no badges! I don't have to show you any stinking badges!"
- JRahm
I have a badge earned by one! WOO HOO!
Of course, it's kinda like the all-time leader in baseball wins by a manager, Connie Mack. Yeah, he has 3,731 wins, because he managed for 50 years! And no one wants to remember the 3,948 losses... 🙂
Still, I will relish this feat!
Because "You Da Man!" Jason!
O man, that would explain why my e-mail notiiifcations stopped working!
Spent ages blaming my mail relay (which it normally is to be fair!)
Great on the badges i look forward to working on getting a couple!PSFletchTheTek - I think you may have to look at your mail relay? I only changed the badge-notifications notifications part; that shouldn't have affected all mail delivery. Unless I'm missing something / being hypersensitive to possible bugs in the system / no catching a joke?
I mean, you could always blame the network if you like? 😄
- Tamer-Zain
Fantastic I earned 4 badges today. Thanks for updates LiefZimmerman
Yeah - kindof a flood of badges today Tamer-Zain - as an established community there is a lot of activity to catch up on. Going forward; I'm sure you will earn even more. 😎
- buulam
Woo hoo! Looking forward to earning some badges! 🏆
buulam - I put in a special condition for you and Jason - for whatever the target is, in order to achieve the badge, you will have to make 10% more than the rest of the community
- JRahm
Mission accepted, LiefZimmerman
That was a bit of a badge storm for sure. Certainly like them and the extra text when you click them 🤣
Is there a list of the types and what action is required, some are clear but not all. Or is that part of the challenge?