I'll see you out there in the community
Hi DevCentral community! You have all been an integral part of my everyday life for almost 9 years. I still remember when Jason Rahm introduced me to DevCentral, and my life was forever changed. ...
Published Feb 01, 2022
Version 1.0ltwagnon
Ret. Employee
Joined May 15, 2019
Feb 01, 2022i fondly remember reaching out to you when the MVP program restarted and you telling about all the plans there were. a year or so later in Washington DC those were a reality and Dev Central was something more then a website, it became a community.
you being the host / presenter / hype man during several Agility events was so fun to watch, an amazing skill which kept on going.
finally hearing people at local F5 events or at customers talk about how they like the light board lessons and speak enthusiastically about those guys always brings a smile on my face.
thank you and good luck on what the future is going to bring you John.