Community Highlights, Week 45, '22
After a brief hiatus, this series is back! Today's issue is short and sweet.
Forum post highlights:
- HerrDrachen had a question about redirecting a page from a shortname, and Mohamed_Ahmed_Kansoh came through with a solution he tested on his home lab
- pepito wanted to know how to tell NGINX to use a forward proxy to reach a specific destination, and DevCentral MVP Kevin_Davies delivered an Accepted Solution
Unanswered questions:
- Peter_Baumann is still having issues with LTM Authentication Profile LDAP Cert Feature in APM?
- Jj_Monteiro needs help with Duo Push not working on Citrix Receiver
Notable solutions:
- Mohamed_Ahmed_Kansoh ha been busy! Check out some of their multiple Accepted Solutions over the past week:
Notable users (excluding F5 employees):
Most kudoed authors:
Gave the most kudos:
Top kudoed post:
- Use F5 Distributed Cloud to service chain WAAP and CDN
- OpenSSL CVE-2022-3786 and CVE-2022-3602 or "The Critical that wasn't"
- AS3 signed rpms
- Redirect irule from second field
Tip of the week:
Check out and join the new Distributed Cloud Users group, "An open group to foster discourse around the integration of security, networking, and application management services across public/private cloud and network edge compute services."
Published Nov 15, 2022
Version 1.0Leslie_Hubertus
Ret. Employee
Joined May 15, 2019
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