Community Highlights, Week 36, '22
Make sure to use labels and tags on your posts so future users can more easily find answers to their problems.
Make sure you hit publish instead of save, when intending to publish an article. Ask me how I learned that one this week.
Forum post highlights:
krisdames had an IRULE question - pool command and SSL renegotiation, and both Kevin_Stewart and Stefan_Klotz rose to the challenge
Luis_Melendrez had a question about how to insert a basic auth header to the backend server, and JoshBecigneul had the answer
mrlopez pidió ayuda con iRules, y Kevin_Stewart respondió en inglés.
Unanswered questions:
Fallout1984 wants to know more about APIs and typical level of access
muntae_kim would like someone to check their work in the iCall for working as if LLCF (4EA Interface) thread
Notable solutions:
Less a solution and more a series of problems, this week I'm highlighting JRahm's Coding Escape Room for some brainfood fun. Did you do it? Make sure to post your time over at the OP