Community Highlights, Week 12 '23
Tip of the week:
2-for-1 tips this week! That's right, for the low, low price of free, you get BOGO tips:
1) Make sure to check out DevCentral's Featured Member for March - Thomas Dahlmann (DevCentral MVP lnxgeek) this week, and keep an eye out for next week's Featured Member!
2) If you are going to be in the Las Vegas area on April 14th, check out the in-person Las Vegas User Group lab event (Zero Trust and APM)
Some content you may have missed:
- Community Learning Path: Multi-Cloud Networking by buulam
- OWASP Web Application Security Top 10 – 2021 prevention using F5 Distributed Cloud Platform (F5 XC) from Janibasha
- It's a Kubernetes world and I'm just living in it by JRahm
- What is a WAAP? On the Brightboard
- Microservices March Lab 3 - Automating Deployments
- Enabling F5 Distributed Cloud Client-Side Defense in BIG-IP 17.1
Forum post highlights:
Notable solutions:
- Srirengaa shared an LTM Policy usecase Scenario
- Solution for delayed BIG-IP page load of the Configuration utility from Srirengaa
- Ansible - Running bash commands with bigip_command module - How it's done, by Ichnafi
Unanswered questions:
- Adrien_Dopchie wants to know the best way to go about Uploading iFiles to Bigip from Samba share
- Yo_D1 has a question about how to establish an HTTP/2 TLS connection with BIG-IP when the client does not support ALPN
Gave the most kudos:
Top kudoed posts:
- Nikoolayy1's reply to AubreyKingF5's post, What is WAAP?
- lnxgeek 's reply to JRahm 's article Decrypting BIG-IP Packet Captures without iRules
- Samir 's reply to steven_normole 's question about how to create a fqdn node in CLI (hope F5 Support was able to help you out, Steven!)
F5er stats:
Most kudoed:
Gave the most kudos:
Top kudoed posts:
Published Mar 27, 2023
Version 1.0Leslie_Hubertus
Ret. Employee
Joined May 15, 2019
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