TFTP server
Problem this snippet solves:
This rule implements a very basic tftp server within an iRule, calling an external class with text file converted to UTF-8 hex.
Much thanks to community members natty76 & jquinby on this effort
Code :
when RULE_INIT { set ::debug 1 } when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { binary scan [UDP::payload] xc opcode if { $::debug } { log local0. "Opcode is $opcode" } switch $opcode { 1 { binary scan [UDP::payload] xxa* string if { $::debug } { log local0. "String is $string" } set file [lindex [split $string \000] 0] set mode [lindex [split $string \000] 1] if { $::debug} { log local0. "File is $file, Mode is $mode" } if { ($mode == "octet" || $mode == "netascii") && !($file eq "") } { switch $file { "test.txt" { set flen [string length $::tftp_file_contents] set total_blocks [expr {$flen / 1024.0}] if { [lindex [split $total_blocks "."] 1] > 0 } { set total_blocks [expr [lindex [split $total_blocks "."] 0] + 1 ] if { $::debug } { log local0. "block isn't integer, incrementing for final block" } } else { set total_blocks [lindex [split $total_blocks "."] 0] if { $::debug } { log local0. "Block is integer, no increment necessary" } } set str_index 0 for { set x 1 } { $x <= $total_blocks } { incr x } { set data [binary format SSH* 3 $x [string range $::tftp_file_contents $str_index [expr {$str_index + 1023}] ] ] if { $::debug } { log local0. "data = $data, size = [string length $data]" } UDP::respond $data incr str_index 1024 } } default { if { $::debug } { log local0. "File not found: $file" } } } } else { if { $::debug } { log local0. "Mode is incorrect: $mode, or file is not specified: $file" } reject } } 2 { if { $::debug } { log local0. "Write request not supported here" } } 3 { if { $::debug } { log local0. "Data receipt not supported here" } } 4 { if { $::debug } { log local0. "Ack from client received" } } 5 { if { $::debug } { log local0. "Error: $string" } } default { if { $::debug } { log local0. "Opcode $opcode is invalid" } reject } } }
Published Mar 18, 2015
Version 1.0CodeCentral_194
Joined May 05, 2019
Joined May 05, 2019
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