Tampermonkey - DevCentral Site Enhancements (Notifications Page)
Problem this snippet solves:
The DevCentral notifications page has no way to load all notifications quickly or dismiss all the visible notification, so this script fixes that. It adds a Load All button that will load all your notifications onto the page, and a Dismiss All button that will dismiss all the visible notifications on the page. It also updates the CSS a little bit to minimize the amount of whitespace between items.
Please feel free to suggest additional enhancements or fork the project and update it on your own.
Version History
- v1.0 - Includes Load All and Dismiss All buttons
- v1.04 - Added auto-subscribe to a question when you add a comment
- v1.05 - Added auto-subscribe to a codeshare when you add a comment
How to use this snippet:
- The Tampermonkey Chrome extension needs to be installed for this script to work.
Once installed, click on the Tampermonkey icon and click Dashboard
- Click the new script button and set the Update URL field to
- You can also copy the whole document linked below into a new Tampermonkey script and save it.
- Click Save and then click the value in the Last Updated column for that new row. This should update the script
- Click the new script button and set the Update URL field to
Navigate to Devcentral and check your notifications. You should see 2 new buttons after the notification count.
Code :
Tested this on version:
11.5- ltwagnonRet. Employee
Great stuff...thanks!
- Chase_Abbott
If this quietly makes it into the product we'll dub it the "Jenkins-buttons".