SSL Certificate Report
Problem this snippet solves:
This is a script will generate a report of all or some of the certificates managed by a BIG-IP. It will output a multitude of information including: subject and issuers properties, serial, public key bit-length, and expiration dates.
How to use this snippet:
- Ruby
- Ruby Gems
- F5 iControl for Ruby library (
- other dependencies will be installed with the iControl gem
Installation Steps
- Install Ruby, Ruby's OpenSSL library, Ruby Gems, and the Ruby iControl libraries
- Copy this code to /usr/local/bin and chmod +x to make the script executable
Run it!
- ssl-certificate-report.rb -b -u admin -p admin -v
Code :
#!/usr/bin/ruby require "rubygems" require "f5-icontrol" require "getoptlong" options = [ "--bigip-address", "-b", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ "--bigip-user", "-u", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ "--bigip-pass", "-p", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ "--cert-name", "-n", GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT ], [ "--cert-list", "-l", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ "--watermark-days", "-d", GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT ], [ "--no-color", "-c", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ "--verbose", "-v", GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT ], [ "--help", "-h", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ] ) def usage puts $0 + " -b-u " puts " -b (--bigip-address) BIG-IP management-accessible address" puts " -u (--bigip-user) BIG-IP username" puts " -p (--bigip-pass) BIG-IP password (will prompt if left blank" puts " -n (--cert-name) name of certificate to display (display all by default)" puts " -l (--cert-list) list of certificates managed by the BIG-IP" puts " -d (--watermark-days) certificates expiring inside this number of days will" puts " be marked as \"expiring soon\", default is 30 days" puts " -c (--no-color) disable color coding for the shell (useful if piping" puts " output to less or are using Windows)" puts " -v (--verbose) show all certificate information (brief by default)" puts " -h (--help) shows this help/usage dialog" exit end # initial parameter values bigip_address = '' bigip_user = '' bigip_pass = '' cert_name = '' cert_list = false watermark_days = 30 verbose = false # the color_code variable must be global to be read within the format_text method $color_code = true options.each do |option, arg| case option when "--bigip-address" bigip_address = arg when "--bigip-user" bigip_user = arg when "--bigip-pass" bigip_pass = arg when "--cert-name" cert_name = arg when "--cert-list" cert_list = true when "--watermark-days" arg = arg.to_i watermark_days = arg when "--no-color" $color_code = false when "--verbose" verbose = true when "--help" usage end end usage if bigip_address.empty? or bigip_user.empty? if bigip_pass.empty? puts "Please enter the BIG-IPs password..." print "Password: " system("stty", "-echo") bigip_pass = gets.chomp system("stty", "echo") end bigip =, bigip_user, bigip_pass, ["Management.KeyCertificate"]).get_interfaces def format_text(text, code) if $color_code "#{code}#{text}\e[00m" else text end end def red(text) format_text(text, "\e[01;31m") end def green(text) format_text(text, "\e[01;32m") end def yellow(text) format_text(text, "\e[01;33m") end def bold(text) format_text(text, "\e[1m") end def underline(text) format_text(text, "\e[4m") end def bold_underline(text) format_text(text, "\e[4;1m") end def cert_validity_label(expire_text) case expire_text when "VTYPE_CERTIFICATE_VALID" green("valid") when "VTYPE_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRED" red("expired") when "VTYPE_CERTIFICATE_WILL_EXPIRE" yellow("expiring soon") when "VTYPE_CERTIFICATE_INVALID" red("invalid") else yellow("unknown") end end def key_strength_label(key_length) case(key_length) when 0..1023 red("low") when 1024..2047 yellow("medium") else green("strong") end end def key_type_label(key_type) case key_type when "KTYPE_RSA_PRIVATE" "RSA private key" when "KTYPE_RSA_PUBLIC" "RSA public key" when "KTYPE_DSA_PRIVATE" "DSA private key" when "KTYPE_DSA_PUBLIC" "DSA public key" else "Unkown" end end # collect certificate properties certs = {} bigip["Management.KeyCertificate"].get_certificate_list("MANAGEMENT_MODE_DEFAULT").each do |cert| id = cert['certificate']['cert_info']['id'] certs[id] = {} # general properties certs[id]['expires'] =['certificate']['expiration_date']).strftime("%b %e, %Y") certs[id]['version'] = cert['certificate']['version'] certs[id]['serial'] = cert['certificate']['serial_number'] certs[id]['serial'] = 'unavailable' if certs[id]['serial'].empty? # subject and issuers properties ['subject', 'issuer'].each do |x| certs[id][x] = {} ['common_name', 'organization_name', 'division_name', 'locality_name', 'state_name', 'country_name'].each do |y| certs[id][x][y] = cert['certificate'][x][y] end end certs[id]['key'] = {} certs[id]['key']['length'] = cert['certificate']['bit_length'] certs[id]['key']['length_text'] = key_strength_label(cert['certificate']['bit_length'].to_i) certs[id]['key']['type'] = key_type_label(cert['certificate']['key_type']) end # collect certificate validity information validity_states = bigip["Management.KeyCertificate"].certificate_check_validity('MANAGEMENT_MODE_DEFAULT', certs.keys, ([watermark_days] * certs.keys.size)) x = 0 certs.each do |id,cert| cert['expire_text'] = cert_validity_label(validity_states[x]) x += 1 end # display BIG-IP information puts bold("\nConnected to BIG-IP at #{bigip_address} with user '#{bigip_user}'...") # if user only wants list, display it and exit if cert_list puts puts underline("Available certificates\n") puts certs.keys.sort.collect { |id| id = " " + id } puts exit end unless cert_name.empty? if certs.key? cert_name certs = { cert_name => certs[cert_name] } else puts "Error: could not locate a certificate by that name, try '-l' for a list" exit end end puts bold_underline(" " * 80) puts certs.keys.sort.each do |id| puts underline("General Properties") puts "\t" + bold("Name: ") + id puts "\t" + bold("Certificate Subject(s): ") + certs[id]['subject']['common_name'] + ", " + certs[id]['subject']['organization_name'] + "\n\n" puts underline("Certificate Properties") puts "\t" + bold("Expires: \t") + certs[id]['expires'] + " (" + certs[id]['expire_text'] + ")" puts "\t" + bold("Version: \t") + certs[id]['version'].to_s puts "\t" + bold("Serial: \t") + certs[id]['serial'] if verbose ['subject', 'issuer'].each do |section| puts "\t" + bold(section.capitalize) + ":" subsections = { 'Common Name' => 'common_name', \ 'Organization' => 'organization_name', \ 'Division' => 'division_name', \ 'Locality' => 'locality_name', \ 'State (Prov)' => 'state_name', \ 'Country' => 'country_name' } \ subsections.each do |key, subsection| puts "\t\t\t" + key + ": \t" + certs[id][section][subsection] unless certs[id][section][subsection].empty? end end puts end puts underline("Public Key Properties") puts "\t" + bold("Key Type: ") + certs[id]['key']['type'] puts "\t" + bold("Size: ") + certs[id]['key']['length'].to_s + " (" + certs[id]['key']['length_text'] + ")" puts puts bold_underline(" " * 80) puts end
Published Mar 09, 2015
Version 1.0George_Watkins_
Historic F5 Account
Joined September 17, 2008
Historic F5 Account
Joined September 17, 2008
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