SMTP Proxy - Send to specific pool based on sender domain
Problem this snippet solves:
The following iRule is based on the SMTPProxy iRule found in the CodeShare, and will route mail to a specific pool based on the domain found in the FROM header. This rule supports RSET only PRIOR to the first FROM header being sent by the client. The LTM hands off the SMTP connection to the pool member after the FROM header is sent. Subsequent messages through the same connection (using RSET) will be handled by the same pool member.
Code :
class MailAddrList { { "" { "SMTP_POOL3" } "" { "SMTP_POOL1" } "" { "SMTP_POOL2" } } } rule SMTPProxy_BalanceOnFromAddr { # # Based on iRule from ( # Edited by Terje Gravvold for Trygdeetaten/NAV 2006 # Edited by James Denton for Rackspace/2011 # # Version 0.3.20111101 (Not production stable, only for testing) # # To-do: # * Write more effective regexps, reduce amount of regsub and regexp calls. # * Implement better and more unified logging (More log levels?) # * Implement proper SMTP RSET handling. # * Implement proper SMTP NOOP handling (if it we should support it). # * General code optimalization. # * SMTP address syntax checking? regexps form # # Whats new: # * Regexps related to SMTP command checking is substituted with string commands. Much better performance. # * Fixed some minor errors in logging. # * Some code optimalisation. # * (JD) Replaced matchclass commands with class commands for v10+ optimization # * (JD) Only evaluate MAIL FROM to make a LB decision # # What's been removed: # * RblListIP # * BlockFromUser # # Remember to define these iRule Data Group Lists: # * (JD) MailAddrList - List of mail rcpt addresses to loadbalance to a special pool (type=string) # # When the client is accepted by the system: # - Initiate variables for later use. # - Respond to to the client with a SMTP greeting. # - Start collecting TCP data. # when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set chelo "" set cfrom "" set cdata "" # Set log level 0=none, 1=log rejects, 2=debug set debug "2" set myorg "AppRiver" set mymailhost "" set client_quit 0 set ehlo 0 TCP::respond "220 F5 mail proxy for $myorg. Please report issues to $myorg technical support.\r\n" if { $debug >= 2 } { log local0. "client [IP::client_addr] accepted" } TCP::collect } # # This section handles the clientside connection, that is TCP data between client and BigIP. # when CLIENT_DATA { set cdata [TCP::payload] # # Return on empty payload. # if { [ string length [TCP::payload] ] <= 0 } { return } # # If payload doesn't contain carriage return we have to collect more data, return. # if { not ( [TCP::payload] contains "\r\n" ) } { return } # # HELO - Catch SMTP HELO/EHLO commands # if { [string match -nocase "HELO*" [TCP::payload]] } { set chelo [TCP::payload] if { $debug >= 2 } { log local0. "get helo <$cdata>" } TCP::respond "250 $mymailhost. Hello!\r\n" TCP::payload replace 0 [string length [TCP::payload]] "" set ehlo 0 return } if { [string match -nocase "EHLO*" [TCP::payload]] } { set chelo [TCP::payload] if { $debug >= 2 } { log local0. "get helo <$cdata>" } TCP::respond "250-$mymailhost\r\n" TCP::payload replace 0 [string length [TCP::payload]] "" set ehlo 1 return } # # NOOP - Do nothing? great! # if { [string match -nocase "NOOP*" $cdata] } { if { $debug >= 2 } { log local0. "NOOP - Doing nothing, tralala..." } TCP::respond "250 Ok\r\n" TCP::payload replace 0 [string length [TCP::payload]] "" return } # # RSET - Clear prior data # if { [string match -nocase "RSET*" $cdata] } { if { $debug >= 2 } { log local0. "RSET - Clear variables..." } set cfrom "" set cdata "" TCP::respond "250 OK\r\n" TCP::payload replace 0 [string length [TCP::payload]] "" return } # # QUIT - See you later... # if { [string match -nocase "QUIT*" $cdata] } { if { $debug >= 2 } { log local0. "QUIT recived from client, closing connection to [IP::client_addr]." } TCP::respond "221 Bye\r\n" TCP::payload replace 0 [string length [TCP::payload]] "" set client_quit 1 TCP::close return } # # MAIL FROM - Who's calling? # if { [string match -nocase "MAIL FROM:*" $cdata] } { set cfrom [TCP::payload] set fromaddr [regsub -all \[\\r\\n\\s\] $cfrom ""] set fromaddr [findstr $fromaddr ":" 1] set fromdomain [findstr $fromaddr "@" 1] if { $fromaddr equals "" } { if { $debug >= 2 } { log local0. "Empty from address not allowed." } TCP::respond "501 Syntax: MAIL FROM: \r\n" TCP::payload replace 0 [string length $cfrom] "" set cfrom "" return } if { $debug >= 2 } { log local0. "get from <$cfrom>" } if { $debug >= 2 } { log local0. "From domain: <$fromdomain>" } TCP::respond "250 OK\r\n" TCP::payload replace 0 [string length $cfrom] "" # If the MAIL FROM address equals a string from the MailAddrList string class, # then load balance the connection to the specified pool in the class for further processing. if { [ class match $fromdomain equals "MailAddrList" ] } { set smtp_pool [ class match -value -- $fromdomain equals "MailAddrList" ] pool $smtp_pool set server_ip [LB::server addr] if { $debug >= 2 } { log local0. "Pool [LB::server pool] selected..." } } else { if { $debug >= 2 } { log local0. "Default pool [LB::server pool] selected..." } } TCP::payload replace 0 0 $chelo$cfrom if { $debug >= 2 } { log local0. "Client = [IP::client_addr], Payload = <[TCP::payload]>" } TCP::release if { $debug >= 2 } { log local0. "Releasing data from client ([IP::client_addr]) to server ([IP::server_addr])." } #TCP::collect } else { if { $debug >= 2 } { log local0. "Syntax error - Invalid SMTP command [TCP::payload]." } TCP::respond "502 Error: command not implemented\r\n" TCP::payload replace 0 [string length [TCP::payload]] "" return } } # # Serverside connection handling # when SERVER_CONNECTED { if { $debug >= 2 } { log "Server [IP::server_addr] connected" } TCP::collect } when SERVER_DATA { set sdata [TCP::payload] # Filter SMTP 220 status messages from server to client. We have already sent HELO/EHLO reply. if { $sdata starts_with "220" } { log local0. "get data <$sdata>" TCP::payload replace 0 [string length $sdata] "" return } # Filter all 250 status messages from server to client. We've sent them before. Keep everything else. if { $sdata starts_with "250-" or "250 " } { if { $debug >= 2 } { log local0. "sdata before filter <$sdata>" } set reg1 "\[\\r\\n\]" set reg2 "\[\{\]" set reg3 "\[\}\\s\]" set reg4 "\[\}\]" set fltsdata "" set fltsdata $fltsdata[regexp -all -line -inline (?!^250.*)^.* $sdata] set fltsdata [regsub -all $reg1 $fltsdata ""] set fltsdata [regsub -all $reg2 $fltsdata ""] set fltsdata [regsub -all $reg3 $fltsdata "\r\n"] set fltsdata [regsub -all $reg4 $fltsdata ""] if { $debug >= 2 } { log local0. "sdata after filter <$fltsdata>" } TCP::payload replace 0 [string length $sdata] $fltsdata if { $debug >= 2 } { log local0. "TCP payload = [TCP::payload]" } TCP::release return } if { [ string length $sdata ] <= 0 } { return } if { $debug >= 2 } { log local0. "payload from server to client <[TCP::payload]>" } TCP::release TCP::collect } when CLIENT_CLOSED { if { $client_quit } { if { $debug >= 2 } { log local0. "client [IP::client_addr] closed connection before server connected." } } else { if { $debug >= 2 } { log local0. "client [IP::client_addr] closed connection to server." } } } }
Published Mar 18, 2015
Version 1.0James_Denton_12
Joined August 19, 2009
Joined August 19, 2009
- itisnitinsharma
Hi, I have the same requirement to allow only certain from domain like and reject rest from the allow list of IPs.I want to do this before non domain mails reach my smtp gateway.