Ps Twitter Api
Problem this snippet solves:
Here is a set of PowerShell functions that give access to the Twitter web based APIs allowing you to interact with the Twitter service from within Windows PowerShell.
How to use this snippet:
Twitter Functions
Internal Helpers
function Shrink-Url() function Shrink-Links() function Set-TwitterCredentials() function Get-TwitterCredentials() function Execute-HTTPGetCommand() function Execute-HTTPPostCommand() function Process-TwitterStatus()
function Get-TwitterPublicTimeline() function Get-TwitterFriendsTimeline() function Get-TwitterUserTimeline() function Get-TwitterStatus() function Set-TwitterStatus() function Get-TwitterReplies() function Destroy-TwitterStatus()
function Process-TwitterUsers() function Get-TwitterFriends() function Get-TwitterFollowers() function Get-TwitterUser()
Direct Messages
function Process-TwitterDirectMessages() function Get-TwitterDirectMessages() function Get-TwitterSentDirectMessages() function New-TwitterDirectMessage() function Destroy-TwitterDirectMessage()
function Get-TwitterFriendshipExists function Process-Ids() function Get-TwitterSocialGraphFriendIds() function Get-TwitterSocialGraphFollowerIds()
function Is-ValidHexColor() function Verify-TwitterCredentials() function End-TwitterSession() function Set-TwitterDeliveryDevice() function Set-TwitterProfileColors() function Set-TwitterProfileImage() function Set-TwitterProfileBackgroundImage() function Get-TwitterRateLimitStatus() function Set-TwitterProfile()
function Get-TwitterFavorites() function Create-TwitterFavorite() function Destroy-TwitterFavorite()
function Follow-TwitterUser() function Leave-TwitterUser()
function Create-TwitterBlock() function Destroy-TwitterBlock()
function Get-TwitterHelpTest() function Get-TwitterDowntimeSchedule()
3rd Party Services
function Get-TwitterCounterStats() function Get-GroupMemberList()
Code :
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The contents of this file are subject to the "END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT # FOR F5 Software Development Kit for iControl"; you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. The License is included in the # iControl Software Development Kit. # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" # basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See # the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations # under the License. # # The Original Code is iControl Code and related documentation # distributed by F5. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is F5 Networks, # Inc. Seattle, WA, USA. Portions created by F5 are Copyright (C) 1996-2008 # F5 Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved. iControl (TM) is a registered # trademark of F5 Networks, Inc. # # Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms # of the GNU General Public License (the "GPL"), in which case the # provisions of GPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish # to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the # GPL and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the # License, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and # replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL. # If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your # version of this file under either the License or the GPL. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [void] [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Web") [void] [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Text") [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::Expect100Continue = $false; $script:g_creds = $null; #============================================================================ # Shared Functions #============================================================================ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # function Shrink-Url #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Shrink-Url() { param([string]$longurl = $null, [string]$provider = "tinyurl"); $shorturl = $null; if ( $longurl ) { switch ($provider.ToLower()) { "" { $shorturl = Execute-HTTPGetCommand "$longurl"; } "tinyurl" { $shorturl = Execute-HTTPGetCommand "$longurl"; } "snipurl" { $shorturl = Execute-HTTPGetCommand "$longurl"; } default { $shorturl = Execute-HTTPGetCommand "$longurl"; } } } $shorturl; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # function Shrink-Links #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Shrink-Links() { param([string]$text = $null, [string]$provider = "tinyurl"); [regex]$regex="(http|ftp|https):\/\/[\w\-_]+(\.[\w\-_]+)+([\w\-\.,@?^=%&:/~\+#]*[\w\-\@?^=%&/~\+#])?" if ($text -match $regex) { $link = $matches[0] } #if an embedded url was found, convert it to a shortened link if ($link) { $shrunklink = Shrink-Url $link $text = $text.Replace($link, $shrunklink) } $text; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # function Set-TwitterCredentials #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Set-TwitterCredentials() { param([string]$user = $null, [string]$pass = $null); if ( $user -and $pass ) { $script:g_creds = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential -argumentList ($user, $pass); } else { $creds = Get-TwitterCredentials; } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # function Get-TwitterCredentials #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Get-TwitterCredentials() { if ( $null -eq $g_creds ) { trap { Write-Error "ERROR: You must enter your Twitter credentials for PoshTweet to work!"; continue; } $c = Get-Credential if ( $c ) { $user = $c.GetNetworkCredential().Username; $pass = $c.GetNetworkCredential().Password; $script:g_creds = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential -argumentList ($user, $pass); } } $script:g_creds; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # function Execute-HTTPGetCommand #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Execute-HTTPGetCommand() { param([string] $url = $null); if ( $url ) { [System.Net.WebClient]$webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient if ( $url.ToLower().Contains("") ) { $webClient.Credentials = Get-TwitterCredentials } [System.IO.Stream]$stream = $webClient.OpenRead($url); [System.IO.StreamReader]$sr = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader -argumentList $stream; [string]$results = $sr.ReadToEnd(); $results; } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # function Execute-HTTPPostCommand #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Execute-HTTPPostCommand() { param([string] $url = $null, [string] $data = $null); if ( $url -and $data ) { [System.Net.WebRequest]$webRequest = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($url); $webRequest.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = $false; if ( $url.ToLower().Contains("") ) { $webRequest.Credentials = Get-TwitterCredentials $webRequest.PreAuthenticate = $true; } $webRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; $webRequest.Method = "POST"; $webRequest.Headers.Add("X-Twitter-Client", "PoshTweet"); $webRequest.Headers.Add("X-Twitter-Version", "1.0"); $webRequest.Headers.Add("X-Twitter-URL", ""); [byte[]]$bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($data); $webRequest.ContentLength = $bytes.Length; [System.IO.Stream]$reqStream = $webRequest.GetRequestStream(); $reqStream.Write($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length); $reqStream.Flush(); [System.Net.WebResponse]$resp = $webRequest.GetResponse(); $rs = $resp.GetResponseStream(); [System.IO.StreamReader]$sr = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader -argumentList $rs; [string]$results = $sr.ReadToEnd(); $results; } } #============================================================================ # Status Functions #============================================================================ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Helper functions #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Process-TwitterStatus() { param([string]$sxml = $null, [bool]$raw = $false); if ( $sxml ) { if ( $raw ) { $sxml; } else { [xml]$xml = $sxml; if ( $xml.statuses.status ) { $stats = $xml.statuses.status; } elseif ($xml.status ) { $stats = $xml.status; } $stats | Foreach-Object -process { $info = "by " + $_.user.screen_name + ", " + $_.created_at; if ( $_.source ) { $info = $info + " via " + $_.source; } if ( $_.in_reply_to_screen_name ) { $info = $info + " in reply to " + $_.in_reply_to_screen_name; } "-------------------------"; $_.text; $info; }; "-------------------------"; } } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # public_timeline #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Get-TwitterPublicTimeline() { param([bool]$raw = $false); $results = Execute-HTTPGetCommand ""; Process-TwitterStatus $results $raw; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # friends_timeline #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Get-TwitterFriendsTimeline() { param ( [string]$since = $null, [int]$since_id = $null, [int]$count = $null, [int]$page = $null, [bool]$raw = $false ); if ( $since ) { $args = "?since=$since"; } if ( $since_id ) { if ( $args ) { $args = "${args}&" } else { $args = "?" } $args = "${args}since_id=$since_id"; } if ( $count ) { if ( $args ) { $args = "${args}&" } else { $args = "?" } $args = "${args}count=$count"; } if ( $page ) { if ( $args ) { $args = "${args}&" } else { $args = "?" } $args = "${args}page=$page"; } Write-Host "Requesting URI:${args}"; $results = Execute-HTTPGetCommand "${args}"; Process-TwitterStatus $results $raw } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #user_timeline #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Get-TwitterUserTimeline() { param([string]$username = $null, [bool]$raw = $false); if ( $username ) { $username = "/$username"; } $results = Execute-HTTPGetCommand "$username.xml"; Process-TwitterStatus $results $raw } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # show #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Get-TwitterStatus() { param([string]$id, [bool]$raw = $false); if ( $id ) { $results = Execute-HTTPGetCommand "" + $id + ".xml"; Process-TwitterStatus $results $raw; } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Set-TwitterStatus() { param([string]$status, [int]$in_reply_to_status_id = $null, [bool]$raw = $false); $encstatus = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode("$status"); $args = "status=$encstatus"; if ( $in_reply_to_status_id ) { $args += "&in_reply_to_status_id=${in_reply_to_status_id}"; } $results = Execute-HTTPPostCommand "" $args; Process-TwitterStatus $results $raw; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # replies #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Get-TwitterReplies() { param([bool]$raw = $false); $results = Execute-HTTPGetCommand ""; Process-TwitterStatus $results $raw; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # destroy #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Destroy-TwitterStatus() { param([string]$id = $null); if ( $id ) { Execute-HTTPPostCommand "$id.xml", "id=$id"; } } #============================================================================ # User Functions #============================================================================ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Helper functions #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Process-TwitterUsers() { param([string]$sxml = $null, [bool]$raw = $false); if ( $sxml ) { if ( $raw ) { $sxml; } else { [xml]$xml = $sxml; if ( $xml.users.user ) { $user = $xml.users.user; } elseif ($xml.user ) { $user = $xml.user; } $user | Foreach-Object -process { $id = $; $screen_name = $_.screen_name; $name = $; $desc = $_.description; $url = $_.url; $followers_count = $_.followers_count; $last_status = $_.status.text; "-------------------------"; "$screen_name / $name (# $id , $followers_count followers) / $url"; "Bio: $desc"; "Tweet: $last_status"; }; "-------------------------"; } } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # friends #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Get-TwitterFriends() { param([string]$id_or_screenname, [string]$page = $null, [bool]$raw = $false); if ( $id_or_screenname ) { $id_or_screenname = "/$id_or_screenname"; } if ( $page ) { $page = "?page=$page"; } Write-Host "Requesting:$id_or_screenname.xml$page"; $results = Execute-HTTPGetCommand "$id_or_screenname.xml$page"; Process-TwitterUsers $results $raw; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # followers #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Get-TwitterFollowers() { param([string]$id_or_screenname, [string]$page = $null, [bool]$raw = $false); if ( $id_or_screenname ) { $id_or_screenname = "/$id_or_screenname"; } if ( $page ) { $page = "?page=$page"; } Write-Host "Requesting:$id_or_screenname.xml$page"; $results = Execute-HTTPGetCommand "$id_or_screenname.xml$page"; Process-TwitterUsers $results $raw; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # show #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Get-TwitterUser() { param([string]$id = $null, [string]$email = $null, [bool]$raw = $false); $url = $null; if ( $id ) { $url = "$id.xml"; } elseif ( $email ) { $url = "$email"; } if ( $url ) { $results = Execute-HTTPGetCommand $url; PRocess-TwitterUsers $results $raw; } } #============================================================================ # Direct Message Functions #============================================================================ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Helper functions #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Process-TwitterDirectMessages() { param([string]$sxml = $null, [bool]$raw = $false); if ( $sxml ) { if ( $raw ) { $sxml; } else { [xml]$xml = $sxml; if ( $xml.{direct-messages}.direct_message ) { $dm = $xml.{direct-messages}.direct_message; } elseif ($xml.direct_message ) { $dm = $xml.direct_message; } $dm | Foreach-Object -process { $id = $; $text = $_.text; $sender_screen_name = $_.sender_screen_name; $name = $; $created_at = $_.created_at; "-------------------------"; "(DM #$id) $text"; "by $sender_screen_name / $name on $created_at"; }; "-------------------------"; } } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # direct_messages #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Get-TwitterDirectMessages() { param([string]$since = $null, [string]$since_id = $null, [string]$page = $null, [bool]$raw = $false); $args = $null; if ( $since ) { $args = "?since=$since"; } elseif ( $since_id ) { $args = "?since_id=$since_id"; } elseif ( $page ) { $args = "?page=$page"; } $results = Execute-HTTPGetCommand "$args"; Process-TwitterDirectMessages $results $raw; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sent #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Get-TwitterSentDirectMessages() { param([string]$since = $null, [string]$since_id = $null, [string]$page = $null, [bool]$raw = $false); $args = $null; if ( $since ) { $args = "?since=$since"; } elseif ( $since_id ) { $args = "?since_id=$since_id"; } elseif ( $page ) { $args = "?page=$page"; } $results = Execute-HTTPGetCommand "$args"; Process-TwitterDirectMessages $results $raw; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function New-TwitterDirectMessage() { param([string]$user = $null, [string]$text = $null, [bool]$raw = $false); if ( $user -and $text ) { $enctext = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode("$text"); $results = Execute-HTTPPostCommand "" "user=$user&text=$enctext" Process-TwitterDirectMessages $results $raw; } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # destroy #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Destroy-TwitterDirectMessage() { param([string]$id = $null); if ( $id ) { $results = Execute-HTTPPostCommand "$id.xml" "id=$id"; } } #============================================================================ # Friendship Functions #============================================================================ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # create #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Create-TwitterFriendship() { param([string]$id = $null, [bool]$follow = $true, [bool]$raw = $false); if ( $id ) { $follow = $follow.ToString().ToLower(); $results = Execute-HTTPPostCommand "${id}.xml" "id=${id}&follow=${follow}" Process-TwitterUsers $results $raw; } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # destroy #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Destroy-TwitterFriendship() { param([string]$id = $null, [bool]$raw = $false); if ( $id ) { $results = Execute-HTTPPostCommand "${id}.xml" "id=${id}" $results; Process-TwitterUsers $results $raw; } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # exists #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Get-TwitterFriendshipExists { param([string]$user_a = $null, [string]$user_b = $null); if ( $user_a -and $user_b ) { $results = Execute-HTTPGetCommand "${user_a}&user_b=${user_b}"; $results; } } #============================================================================ # Social Graph Functions #============================================================================ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Helper Functions #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Process-Ids() { param([string]$sxml = $null, [bool]$raw = $false); if ( $sxml ) { if ( $raw ) { $sxml; } else { [xml]$x = $sxml; $i = 1; $ | ForEach-Object -Process { $info = "[$i] : " + $_; $info; $i++; } } } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ids (friends) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Get-TwitterSocialGraphFriendIds() { param([string]$id = $null, [bool]$raw = $false); $args = ""; if ( $id ) { $args = "?id=${id}"; } $results = Execute-HTTPGetCommand "$args"; Process-Ids $results $raw; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ids (followers) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Get-TwitterSocialGraphFollowerIds() { param([string]$id = $null, [bool]$raw = $false); $args = ""; if ( $id ) { $args = "?id=${id}"; } $results = Execute-HTTPGetCommand "$args"; Process-Ids $results $raw; } #============================================================================ # Account Functions #============================================================================ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # helper functions #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Is-ValidHexColor() { param([string]$color_in_hex = $null) [bool]$valid = $false; if ( $color_in_hex ) { [regex]$regex3 = "[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]"; [regex]$regex6 = "[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]"; if ( ($color_in_hex.Length -eq 3) -and ($color_in_hex -match $regex3) ) { $valid = $true; } elseif ( ($color_in_hex.Length -eq 6) -and ($color_in_hex -match $regex6) ) { $valid = $true; } } $valid; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # verify_credentials #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Verify-TwitterCredentials() { $results = Execute-HTTPGetCommand ""; $results; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # end_session #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function End-TwitterSession() { $results = Execute-HTTPPostCommand "" ""; $results; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update_delivery_device #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Set-TwitterDeliveryDevice() { param([string]$device = $null); if ( $device ) { if ( $device.Equals("sms") -or $device.Equals("im") -or $device.Equals("none") ) { $results = Execute-HTTPPostCommand "$device" "device=$device"; $results; } else { Write-Error "device must be either sms, im, or none!" } } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update_profile_colors #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Set-TwitterProfileColors() { param( [string]$background_color = $null, [string]$text_color = $null, [string]$link_color = $null, [string]$sidebar_fill_color = $null, [string]$sidebar_border_color = $null); $args = $null; if ( $background_color ) { if ( Is-ValidHexColor $background_color ) { if ( $args ) { $args = "$args&"; } $args = "${args}profile_background_color=$background_color"; } else { Write-Error "background_color '$background_color' must be a 3 or 6 valid hexadecimal value!"; } } if ( $text_color ) { if ( Is-ValidHexColor $text_color ) { if ( $args ) { $args = "$args&"; } $args = "${args}profile_text_color=$text_color"; } else { Write-Error "text_color '$text_color' must be a 3 or 6 valid hexadecimal value!"; } } if ( $link_color ) { if ( Is-ValidHexColor $link_color ) { if ( $args ) { $args = "$args&"; } $args = "${args}profile_link_color=$link_color"; } else { Write-Error "link_color '$link_color' must be a 3 or 6 valid hexadecimal value!"; } } if ( $sidebar_fill_color ) { if ( Is-ValidHexColor $sidebar_fill_color ) { if ( $args ) { $args = "$args&"; } $args = "${args}profile_sidebar_fill_color=$sidebar_fill_color"; } else { Write-Error "sidebar_fill_color '$sidebar_fill_color' must be a 3 or 6 valid hexadecimal value!"; } } if ( $sidebar_border_color ) { if ( Is-ValidHexColor $sidebar_border_color ) { if ( $args ) { $args = "$args&"; } $args = "${args}profile_sidebar_border_color=$sidebar_border_color"; } else { Write-Error "sidebar_border_color '$sidebar_border_color' must be a 3 or 6 valid hexadecimal value!"; } } if ( $args ) { Write-Host " - $args"; $results = Execute-HTTPPostCommand "" $args; $results; } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update_profile_image #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Set-TwitterProfileImage() { param([string]$image = $null); if ( $image ) { $results = Execute-HTTPPostCommand "" "image=$image"; $results; } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update_profile_background_image #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Set-TwitterProfileBackgroundImage() { param([string]$image = $null); if ( $image ) { $results = Execute-HTTPPostCommand "" "image=$image"; $results; } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # rate_limit_status #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Get-TwitterRateLimitStatus() { param([bool]$raw = $false); $sXml = Execute-HTTPGetCommand ""; if ( $sXml ) { if ( $raw ) { $sXml; } else { [xml]$results = $sXml; $remaining_hits = $results.hash.{remaining-hits}.get_InnerText(); $hourly_limit = $results.hash.{hourly-limit}.get_InnerText(); $reset_time_in_seconds = $results.hash.{reset-time-in-seconds}.get_InnerText(); $reset_time = $results.hash.{reset-time}.get_InnerText(); "Remaining Hits: $remaining_hits"; "Hourly Limit : $hourly_limit"; "Reset Time (s): $reset_time_in_seconds s."; "Reset Time : $reset_time"; } } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update_profile #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Set-TwitterProfile() { param( [string]$name = $null, [string]$email = $null, [string]$url = $null, [string]$location = $null, [string]$description = $null); $args = $null; if ( $name ) { if ( $args ) { $args = "$args&"; } $args = "${args}name=$name"; } if ( $email ) { if ( $args ) { $args = "$args&"; } $args = "${args}email=$email"; } if ( $url ) { if ( $args ) { $args = "$args&"; } $args = "${args}url=$url"; } if ( $location ) { if ( $args ) { $args = "$args&"; } $args = "${args}location=$location"; } if ( $description ) { if ( $args ) { $args = "$args&"; } $args = "${args}description=$description"; } if ( $args ) { $results = Execute-HTTPPostCommand "" $args; $results; } } #============================================================================ # Favorite Functions #============================================================================ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # favorites #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Get-TwitterFavorites() { param([string]$id, [string]$page = $null, [bool]$raw = $false); if ( $id ) { $id = "/$id"; } if ( $page ) { $page = "?page=$page"; } $results = Execute-HTTPGetCommand "${id}.xml${page}"; Process-TwitterStatus $results $raw; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # create #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Create-TwitterFavorite() { param([string]$id, [bool]$raw = $false); if ( $id ) { $id = "/$id"; } $results = Execute-HTTPPostCommand "${id}.xml" "id=${id}"; Process-TwitterStatus $results $raw; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # destroy #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Destroy-TwitterFavorite() { param([string]$id, [bool]$raw = $false); if ( $id ) { $id = "/$id"; } $results = Execute-HTTPPostCommand "${id}.xml" "id=${id}"; Process-TwitterStatus $results $raw; } #============================================================================ # Notification Functions #============================================================================ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # follow #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Follow-TwitterUser() { param([string]$id, [bool]$raw = $false); if ( $id ) { $results = Execute-HTTPPostCommand "${id}.xml" "id=${id}"; Process-TwitterUsers $results $raw; } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # leave #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Leave-TwitterUser() { param([string]$id, [bool]$raw = $false); if ( $id ) { $results = Execute-HTTPPostCommand "${id}.xml" "id=${id}"; Process-TwitterUsers $results $raw; } } #============================================================================ # Block Functions #============================================================================ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # create #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Create-TwitterBlock() { param([string]$id, [bool]$raw = $false); if ( $id ) { $results = Execute-HTTPPostCommand "${id}.xml" "id=${id}"; Process-TwitterUsers $results $raw; } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # destroy #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Destroy-TwitterBlock() { param([string]$id, [bool]$raw = $false); if ( $id ) { $results = Execute-HTTPPostCommand "${id}.xml" "id=${id}"; Process-TwitterUsers $results $raw; } } #============================================================================ # Help Functions #============================================================================ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # test #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Get-TwitterHelpTest() { $results = Execute-HTTPGetCommand ""; $results; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # downtime_schedule #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Get-TwitterDowntimeSchedule() { $results = Execute-HTTPGetCommand ""; $results; } #============================================================================ # TwitterCounter #============================================================================ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get-TwitterCounterStats #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Get-TwitterCounterStats() { param([string]$username = $null, [int]$results = 14, [bool]$raw = $false); $output = "xml"; $stats = $null; if ( $username ) { $stats = Execute-HTTPGetCommand "$username&output=$output&results=$results" } if ( !$raw ) { $stats = [xml]$stats; $stats.twittercounter } else { $stats; } } #============================================================================ # Utilities #============================================================================ function Get-GroupMemberList() { param([string]$url = $null, [string]$tagstart = $null); if ( $tagstart -eq $null ) { $tagstart = "entrybody"; } # Posh Twitter Users ""; if ( $url ) { $site = Execute-HTTPGetRequest $url; $previous = @() $start = $site.IndexOf('') $site = $site.substring($start) $start = $site.IndexOf('') $site = $site.substring($start) $end = $site.IndexOf('
') + 5 [xml]$doc = $site.substring(0,$end) $results = $ | select @{name='Name';Expression={$_.a.'#text'}}, @{name='TwitterURL';Expression={$_.a.href}}, @{name='UserName';Expression={$_.a.href -replace ''}} $results = $results[1..($results.count-1)] return $results } }
Published Mar 09, 2015
Version 1.0