Persist On Last JSESSIONID in HTTP Parameter
Problem this snippet solves:
This iRule was written with the goal to persist on only the last jsessionid that is present when multiple jsessionid HTTP Paremeters are present..
How to use this snippet:
I ran into a particular challenge where a customer was receiving a request where a jsessionid was expected to be set in an HTTP Request Parameter.
For those of you who are not familiar, see where the parameters lye below:
Here is an example of a full request:;jsessionid=0123456789abcdef;jsessionid=0123456789abcdef?alice=mouse
In the above example, there are two jsessionid parameters, both of which are the same value.
This is what was being used to Persist
"*jsessionid*" { #Parse the URI and look for jsessionid. Skip 11 characters and match up to the next "?" set session_id [findstr [HTTP::uri] jsessionid 11 "?"] }
Code :
when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set debug 1 } when HTTP_REQUEST { set logTuple "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] - [IP::local_addr]:[TCP::local_port]" set parameters [findstr [HTTP::path] ";" 1] set session_id "" foreach parameter [split $parameters ";"] { scan $parameter {%[^=]=%s} name value if {$debug}{log local0.debug "$logTuple :: Multiple JsessionID in: [HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]"} if {$name equals "jsessionid"} {set session_id $value} } if {$session_id ne ""}{ #Persist on the parsed session ID for X seconds if {$debug}{log local0.debug "$logTuple :: Single JsessionID in: [HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]"} persist uie $session_id 86400 } }
Updated Jun 06, 2023
Version 2.0Jason_Adams
Joined February 28, 2013
- Stanislas_Piro2
you can do it with a simpler code:
when HTTP_REQUEST { set parameters [findstr [HTTP::path] ";" 1] foreach parameter [split $parameters ";"] { scan $parameter {%[^=]=%s} name value if {$name equals "jsessionid"} {set session_id $value} } if {$session_id ne ""}{ Persist on the parsed session ID for X seconds if {$debug}{log local0.debug "$logTuple :: Single JsessionID in: [HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]"} persist uie $session_id 86400 } }
- Jason_Adams
Thank you Stanislas.
I have updated the main code to represent your example.
- Stanislas_Piro2
more efficient code:
when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set debug 1 } when HTTP_REQUEST { set path [HTTP::path] set logTuple "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] - [IP::local_addr]:[TCP::local_port]" if {[set last_jsessionid_pos [string last "jsessionid=" $path]] ne -1} { if {[set semicolon_pos [string first ";" $path $last_jsessionid_pos]] ne -1} { set session_id [string range $path [expr {$last_jsessionid_pos + 11}] [expr {$semicolon_pos -1}]] } else { set session_id [string range $path [expr {$last_jsessionid_pos + 11}] end] } Persist on the parsed session ID for X seconds if {$debug}{log local0.debug "$logTuple :: Single JsessionID in: [HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]"} persist uie $session_id 86400 } }