Perl Virtual Server and Pool Creation
Problem this snippet solves:
A simple script to add and delete both Virtual IPs and Pools in: Perl
Code :
use REST::Client; use MIME::Base64; use JSON; # define program-wide variables $ENV{PERL_LWP_SSL_VERIFY_HOSTNAME} = 0; use constant BIGIP_ADDRESS => 'test-ltm-03.element.local'; use constant BIGIP_USER => 'admin'; use constant BIGIP_PASS => 'admin'; use constant SLEEP_TIME => 20; use constant VS_NAME => 'test-http-virtual_perl'; use constant VS_ADDRESS => ''; use constant VS_PORT => '80'; use constant POOL_NAME => 'test-http-pool_perl'; use constant POOL_LB_METHOD => 'least-connections-member'; use constant POOL_MEMBERS => qw(; # create/delete subroutines sub create_pool { my ($bigip, $name, $members, $lb_method) = @_; # convert member format foreach $member(@$members) {$member = {'kind' => 'ltm:pool:members', 'name' => $member}}; # define pool properties my %payload; $payload{'kind'} = 'tm:ltm:pool:poolstate'; $payload{'name'} = $name; $payload{'description'} = 'A Perl REST::Client test pool'; $payload{'loadBalancingMode'} = $lb_method; $payload{'monitor'} = 'http'; $payload{'members'} = $members; my $json = encode_json \%payload; $bigip->POST('ltm/pool', $json); } sub create_http_virtual_server { my ($bigip, $name, $address, $port, $pool) = @_; # define virtual properties my %payload; $payload{'kind'} = 'tm:ltm:virtual:virtualstate'; $payload{'name'} = $name; $payload{'description'} = 'A Perl REST::Client test virtual server'; $payload{'destination'} = $address . ':' . $port; $payload{'mask'} = ''; $payload{'ipProtocol'} = 'tcp'; $payload{'sourceAddressTranslation'} = { 'type' => 'automap' }; $payload{'profiles'} = [ { 'kind' => 'ltm:virtual:profile', 'name' => 'http' }, { 'kind' => 'ltm:virtual:profile', 'name' => 'tcp' } ]; $payload{'pool'} = $pool; my $json = encode_json \%payload; $bigip->POST('ltm/virtual', $json); } sub delete_pool { my ($bigip, $name) = @_; $bigip->DELETE('ltm/pool/' . $name); } sub delete_virtual { my ($bigip, $name) = @_; $bigip->DELETE('ltm/virtual/' . $name); } # REST resource for BIG-IP that all other requests will use my $bigip = REST::Client->new(); $bigip->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); $bigip->addHeader('Authorization', 'Basic ' . encode_base64(BIGIP_USER . ':' . BIGIP_PASS)); $bigip->setHost('https://' . BIGIP_ADDRESS . '/mgmt/tm'); print "created REST resource for BIG-IP at" . BIGIP_ADDRESS . "...\n"; # create pool &create_pool($bigip, POOL_NAME, [POOL_MEMBERS], POOL_LB_METHOD); print "created pool \"" . POOL_NAME . "\" with members " . join(", ", POOL_MEMBERS) . "...\n"; # create virtual &create_http_virtual_server($bigip, VS_NAME, VS_ADDRESS, VS_PORT, POOL_NAME); print "created virtual server \"" . VS_NAME . "\" with destination " . VS_ADDRESS . ":" . VS_PORT . "...\n"; # sleep for a little while print "sleeping for " . SLEEP_TIME . " seconds, check for successful creation...\n"; sleep(SLEEP_TIME); # delete virtual &delete_virtual($bigip, VS_NAME); print "deleted virtual server \"" . VS_NAME . "\"...\n"; # delete pool &delete_pool($bigip, POOL_NAME); print "deleted pool \"" . POOL_NAME . "\"...\n";
Published Mar 09, 2015
Version 1.0CodeCentral_194
Joined May 05, 2019
Joined May 05, 2019
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