Performance Testing Through The Network Layers
Problem this snippet solves:
This script will perform timing tests at various layers in the network stack in an attempt to isolate performance issues.
Code :
param( $domain = $null, $url = $null, $count = 5, [string[]]$groups ); $UA = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:5.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.0"; $VIP_IPS = ( ("Outside-Vip", "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX", 443), ("Inside-Vip", "YYY.YYY.YYY.YYY", 443) ) $APP_IPS = ( ("app-01", "", 80), ("app-02", "", 80) ) function Show-Usage() { Write-Host ".\Time-EntryPoints.ps1 -url-count <5> -groups [vips|apps|all]"; } function Get-IPFromHostname() { param($hostname); ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses($hostname))[0].ToString() } function Get-Stats() { param($stats, $hostname, $ip, $port, $secs, $url); $o = 1 | Select Host, IP, Port, Url, Count, Min, Max, Avg, Sum, Secs; $o.Host = $hostname.Split(".")[0]; $o.IP = $ip; $o.Port = $port; $o.Url = $url; $o.Count = $stats.Count; $o.Min = $stats.Minimum; $o.Max = $stats.Maximum; $o.Avg = $stats.Average; $o.Sum = $stats.Sum; $o.Secs = $secs; $o; } function Get-HostsToTest() { param([string[]]$groups); $HOSTS = @(); foreach($group in $groups ) { switch ($group.ToLower()) { "vips" { $HOSTS += $VIP_IPS; } "apps" { $HOSTS += $APP_IPS; } "all" { $HOSTS += ($VIP_IPS + $APP_IPS); } default { $HOSTS += ( ($group, "", 80), ("", "", 80) ); } } } $HOSTS; } if ( ($null -ne $domain) -and ($null -ne $url) ) { $secs = @(); [System.Object[]]$hostEntries = Get-HostsToTest $groups; foreach($hostEntry in $hostEntries) { $hostname = $hostEntry[0]; if ( $hostname.Length -gt 0 ) { $ip = $hostEntry[1]; if ( "" -eq $ip ) { $ip = Get-IPFromHostname $hostname; } $port = $hostEntry[2]; $fullUrl = "http"; if ( $port -eq 443 ) { $fullUrl += "s"; } $fullUrl += "://$domain"; $fullUrl += $url; foreach($i in 1..$count) { $sec = (Measure-Command {curl --insecure -sNA $UA --resolve "${domain}:${port}:${ip}" $fullUrl | Out-Null}).TotalSeconds; $secs += (, $sec); Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 10; } $len = $secs.Length; $stats = Get-Stats ($secs | Measure-Object -Average -Minimum -Maximum -Sum) $hostname $ip $port $secs $url; $stats; } $secs = @(); } } else { Show-Usage; }
Published Mar 12, 2015
Version 1.0No CommentsBe the first to comment