Problem this snippet solves:
This iRule allows external http monitors to query specific pools located on an LTM to determine up and down state - based on the minimum number of members within a pool. This allows external monitors such as SiteScope, HP OpenView, WhatsupGold, etc, to alert without requiring the complication of SNMP strings or other permissions. This is a variation of the Current_Pool_Member_status iRule.
Monitor Specifications
Send String : GET ?p=&mmember= HTTP/1.1\Host: \nConnection: close\n\n Recieve String : UP
Where mmember is the minimum active members in a pool.
Send String : http://&mmember= Recieve String: UP
Where mmember is the minimum active members in a pool.
How to use this snippet:
- Scenario 1. GTM needs to monitor a VIP on an LTM. The vip is associated to a pool named "pool_pickle" that contains about 3 webservers. The clients wants GTM to stop DNS response when pool_pickle" active pool members drops to 2 or below, even though the pool is not technically down after 1 member is lost.
Send String: GET ?p=pool_pickle&mmember=3 HTTP/1.1\Host:\nConnection: close\n\np Receive String: UP
Conclusion : If the pool members in "pool_pickle" drop below 3 it will mark it as DOWN
- Scenario 2. Clients wants to use Sitescope to send out an alert if a specific pool called "pool_moonracker" on an LTM drops to zero.
Send String : GET ?p=pool_moonracker&mmember=1 HTTP/1.1\Host:\nConnection: close\n\np Receive String : UP
Conclusion : If the pool members in "pool_moonracker" drop to zerp it will mark it as DOWN and then send out an alert
- Scenario 3. Clients wants to know the status of a pool named "pool_goldeneye" on his PC, blackberry or iPhone
Clients enters the following in his browsers: http://
Conclusion : He will recieve either UP or DOWN response.
Code :
when HTTP_REQUEST { set response "BIGIP Pool Status - [clock format [clock seconds]] " if {([URI::query [HTTP::uri] p ] ne " ") and ([URI::query [HTTP::uri] mmember ] ne " ") } { set poolname [URI::query [HTTP::uri] p] set minmember [URI::query [HTTP::uri] mmember] if { [catch { if { [active_members $poolname ] < $minmember } { append response "DOWN - $poolname" } else { append response "UP - $poolname" } } errmsg] } { append response "INVALID - $poolname?" } } else { append response "INVALID OR NO INFO : You must enter in the following format http://&mmember= } HTTP::respond 200 content $response "Content-Type" "text/html" }