F5 iApp Automated Backup
A word of WARNING when using this iApp, always check the file it produces, whether on the box or copied to another location. I have had 2 installations where I have used it and the ucs archives it produced were not usable. The problem occurs when you install/configure the iApp and then upgrade the BigIP version. It's not enough just to run reconfigure, you need to delete the configured iApp and redeploy after the upgrade. I had the issue with 12.1.x > 13.1.1, > 13.1.1. Strangely I don't think it occurred with 13.1.1 >, I was using the latest version of the iApp. Anyways, always check the archive, I got caught out, once it's set up and running it has been excellent, very reliable. When I do upgrades now, I run the iApp, recover the backup archive to the F5 from the remote location, load sys ucs, reboot and then go active. This way I have tested the complete recovery process immediately after upgrade and before going active.