Dynamic IP update of Office365 addresses and store them in data-groups

Problem this snippet solves:


I modified a Python script created by a F5 colleague that will grab the current IPv4/v6 and URL addresses from Office365 and place them in separate data-groups. This will enable you to create policies and iRules and refer to the data-groups with up-to-date IPs.

There is a lot of scripts that worked with the former format (XML), but since they changed it in 2019, I haven't been able to find an updated script for it.

However there is an external solution from Palo Altos which is a container solution called "MineMeld"


But this script works perfectly and doesn't require additional systems or hardware.

Special thanks to Regan Anderson for providing implementation with iCall script and handling

With regards

Bastian "Baffy" Jacobsson

How to use this snippet:

1 - Copy the code and create a python file (.py).

2 - Modify the "User Options" in the script to match your environment and requirements.

3 - SSH to the BIG-IP

4 - Change into bash


5 - Create the directory the script will reside in. The default directory is /shared/o365/.

mkdir /shared/o365

Note: If not creating the directory as it is above, ensure you update the variables under System Options with the correct path.

6 - Upload or create the script (office365_IP_update.py) in the working directory (default path: /shared/o365/)

7 - Manually run the script

python /shared/o365/office365_ip_update.py

8 - Confirm the script ran without error by displaying the log file (default path: /var/log/o365_update):

cat /var/log/o365_update

9 - If this is an HA pair, repeat steps 3 - 8. Note, it is normal for the Standby BIG-IP to log the following message when the update script is run:

This BIG-IP is HA STANDBY. Aborting O365 update.

10 - On the Active BIG-IP, create an iCall script. This script executes the office365_IP_update.py script when it is called by an iCall handler, which we will create in the next step. Ensure the correct path to the script is referenced, in case defaults were not used.

tmsh create sys icall script o365_update_script definition { catch { exec python /shared/o365/office365_IP_update.py } }

11 - On the Active BIG-IP, create an iCall handler. This handler will run at the configured interval and will execute the iCall script, which in turn executes the office365_IP_update.py Python script. A few examples of periodic handlers are given, choose (and adapt) the one that suits your needs best.

Run once every 60 minutes (3600 seconds), starting now:

tmsh create sys icall handler periodic o365_update_handler script o365_update_script interval 3600

Run once every 24 hours (86400 seconds), starting on March 20, 2020 at 03:00:

tmsh create sys icall handler periodic o365_update_handler script o365_update_script interval 86400 first-occurrence 2020-03-20:03:00:00

12 - On the Active BIG-IP, save changes:

tmsh save sys config

13 - Synchronize changes from the Active BIG-IP to the Standby BIG-IP

Code :

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Office365 URL/IP data-group update automation for BIG-IP
# Version: 1.0
# Last Modified: 30 June 2020
# Original author: Makoto Omura, F5 Networks Japan G.K.
# Modified for LTM data-group usage by Bastian "Baffy" Jacobsson, F5 Networks
# This Sample Software provided by the author is for illustrative
# purposes only which provides customers with programming information
# regarding the products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any
# warranties and support.
# The author assumes no responsibility or liability for the use of the
# software, conveys no license or title under any patent, copyright, or
# mask work right to the product.
# The author reserves the right to make changes in the software without
# notification. The author also make no representation or warranty that
# such application will be suitable for the specified use without
# further testing or modification.

import httplib
import urllib
import uuid
import os
import re
import json
import commands
import datetime
import sys

# User Options - Configure as desired

# Access Profile Name(s) - ex. SINGLE ["AP1"] OR MULTIPLE ["AP1", "AP2", "AP3"]
access_profiles = ["MyAccessProfile"]

# Network Access List Name(s) - ex. SINGLE ["NAL1"] OR MULTIPLE ["NAL1", "NAL2", "NAL3"]
na_lists = ["MyNetworkAccessList"]

# Microsoft Web Service Customer endpoints (ENABLE ONLY ONE ENDPOINT)
# These are the set of URLs defined by customer endpoints as described here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office365/enterprise/urls-and-ip-address-ranges
customer_endpoint = "Worldwide"
#customer_endpoint = "USGovDoD"
#customer_endpoint = "USGovGCCHigh"
#customer_endpoint = "China"
#customer_endpoint = "Germany"

# O365 "SeviceArea" (O365 endpoints) to consume, as described here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office365/enterprise/urls-and-ip-address-ranges
care_exchange = 1                       # "Exchange Online": 0=do not care, 1=care
care_sharepoint = 1                     # "SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business": 0=do not care, 1=care
care_skype = 1                          # "Skype for Business Online and Microsoft Teams": 0=do not care, 1=care
care_common = 1                         # "Microsoft 365 Common and Office Online": 0=do not care, 1=care

# O365 Record types to download & update
use_url = 0                             # DNS/URL exclusions: 0=do not use, 1=use
use_ipv4 = 1                            # IPv4 exclusions: 0=do not use, 1=use
use_ipv6 = 1                            # IPv6 exclusions: 0=do not use, 1=use

# O365 Categories to download & update
o365_categories = 0                     # 0=Optimize only, 1= Optimize & Allow, 2 = Optimize, Allow, and Default

# O365 Endpoints to import - O365 required endpoints or all endpoints
# WARNING: "import all" includes non-O365 URLs that one may not want to bypass (ex. www.youtube.com)
only_required = 1                       # 0=import all, 1=O365 required only

# Don't import these O365 URLs (URL must be exact or ends_with match to URL as it exists in JSON record - pattern matching not supported)
# Provide URLs in list format - ex. [".facebook.com", "*.itunes.apple.com", "bit.ly"]
#noimport_urls = []
noimport_urls = [".symcd.com",".symcb.com",".entrust.net",".digicert.com",".identrust.com",".verisign.net",".globalsign.net",".globalsign.com",".geotrust.com",".omniroot.com",".letsencrypt.org",".public-trust.com","platform.linkedin.com"]

# Don't import these O365 IPs (IP must be exact match to IP as it exists in JSON record - IP/CIDR mask cannot be modified)
# Provide IPs (IPv4 and IPv6) in list format - ex. ["", "2620:1ec:a92::152/128"]
noimport_ips = []

# Non-O365 URLs to add to DNS Exclude List
# Provide URLs in list format - ex. ["m.facebook.com", "*.itunes.apple.com", "bit.ly"]
additional_urls = []

# Non-O365 IPs to add to IPV4 Exclude List
# Provide IPs in list format - ex. ["", ""]
additional_ipv4 = []

# Non-O365 IPs to add to IPV6 Exclude List
# Provide IPs in list format - ex. ["2603:1096:400::/40", "2620:1ec:a92::152/128"]
additional_ipv6 = []

# Action if O365 endpoint list is not updated
force_o365_record_refresh = 0           # 0=do not update, 1=update (for test/debug purpose)

# BIG-IP HA Configuration
device_group_name = "device-group1"     # Name of Sync-Failover Device Group.  Required for HA paired BIG-IP.
ha_config = 0                           # 0=stand alone, 1=HA paired

# Log configuration
log_level = 1                           # 0=none, 1=normal, 2=verbose

# System Options - Modify only when necessary

# Working directory, file name for guid & version management
work_directory = "/shared/o365/"
file_name_guid = "/shared/o365/guid.txt"
file_ms_o365_version = "/shared/o365/o365_version.txt"
log_dest_file = "/var/log/o365_update"

# Microsoft Web Service URLs
url_ms_o365_endpoints = "endpoints.office.com"
url_ms_o365_version = "endpoints.office.com"
uri_ms_o365_version = "/version?ClientRequestId="

# Implementation - Please do not modify
list_urls_to_exclude = []
list_ipv4_to_exclude = []
list_ipv6_to_exclude = []

def log(lev, msg):
    if log_level >= lev:
        log_string = "{0:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}".format(datetime.datetime.now()) + " " + msg + "\n"
        f = open(log_dest_file, "a")

def main():
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Check if this BIG-IP is ACTIVE for the traffic group (= traffic_group_name)
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    result = commands.getoutput("tmsh show /cm failover-status field-fmt")

    if ("status ACTIVE" in result) or (ha_config == 0):
        log(1, "This BIG-IP is standalone or HA ACTIVE. Initiating O365 update.")
        log(1, "This BIG-IP is HA STANDBY. Aborting O365 update.")

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # GUID management
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Create guid file if not existent
    if not os.path.isdir(work_directory):
        log(1, "Created work directory " + work_directory + " because it did not exist.")
    if not os.path.exists(file_name_guid):
        f = open(file_name_guid, "w")
        log(1, "Created GUID file " + file_name_guid + " because it did not exist.")

    # Read guid from file and validate.  Create one if not existent
    f = open(file_name_guid, "r")
    f_content = f.readline()
    if re.match('[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}', f_content):
        guid = f_content
        log(2, "Valid GUID is read from local file " + file_name_guid + ".")
        guid = str(uuid.uuid4())
        f = open(file_name_guid, "w")
        log(1, "Generated a new GUID, and saved it to " + file_name_guid + ".")

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # O365 endpoints list version check
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Read version of previously received record
    if os.path.isfile(file_ms_o365_version):
        f = open(file_ms_o365_version, "r")
        f_content = f.readline()
        # Check if the VERSION record format is valid
        if re.match('[0-9]{10}', f_content):
            ms_o365_version_previous = f_content
            log(2, "Valid previous VERSION found in " + file_ms_o365_version + ".")
            ms_o365_version_previous = "1970010200"
            f = open(file_ms_o365_version, "w")
            log(1, "Valid previous VERSION was not found.  Wrote dummy value in " + file_ms_o365_version + ".")
        ms_o365_version_previous = "1970010200"
        f = open(file_ms_o365_version, "w")
        log(1, "Valid previous VERSION was not found.  Wrote dummy value in " + file_ms_o365_version + ".")

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # O365 endpoints list VERSION check
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    request_string = uri_ms_o365_version + guid
    conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(url_ms_o365_version)
    conn.request('GET', request_string)
    res = conn.getresponse()

    if not res.status == 200:
        # MS O365 version request failed
        log(1, "VERSION request to MS web service failed.  Assuming VERSIONs did not match, and proceed.")
        dict_o365_version = {}
        # MS O365 version request succeeded
        log(2, "VERSION request to MS web service was successful.")
        dict_o365_version = json.loads(res.read())

    ms_o365_version_latest = ""
    for record in dict_o365_version:
        if record.has_key('instance'):
            if record["instance"] == customer_endpoint and record.has_key("latest"):
                latest = record["latest"]
                if re.match('[0-9]{10}', latest):
                    ms_o365_version_latest = latest
                    f = open(file_ms_o365_version, "w")

    log(2, "Previous VERSION is " + ms_o365_version_previous)
    log(2, "Latest VERSION is " + ms_o365_version_latest)

    if ms_o365_version_latest == ms_o365_version_previous and force_o365_record_refresh == 0:
        log(1, "You already have the latest MS O365 URL/IP Address list: " + ms_o365_version_latest + ". Aborting operation.")

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Request O365 endpoints list & put it in dictionary
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    request_string = "/endpoints/" + customer_endpoint + "?ClientRequestId=" + guid
    conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(url_ms_o365_endpoints)
    conn.request('GET', request_string)
    res = conn.getresponse()

    if not res.status == 200:
        log(1, "ENDPOINTS request to MS web service failed. Aborting operation.")
        log(2, "ENDPOINTS request to MS web service was successful.")
        dict_o365_all = json.loads(res.read())

    # Process for each record(id) of the endpoint JSON data
    for dict_o365_record in dict_o365_all:
        service_area = str(dict_o365_record['serviceArea'])
        category = str(dict_o365_record['category'])

        if (o365_categories == 0 and category == "Optimize") \
            or (o365_categories == 1 and (category == "Optimize" or category == "Allow")) \
            or (o365_categories == 2):
            if (only_required == 0) or (only_required and str(dict_o365_record['required']) == "True"):

                if (care_common and service_area == "Common") \
                    or (care_exchange and service_area == "Exchange") \
                    or (care_sharepoint and service_area == "SharePoint") \
                    or (care_skype and service_area == "Skype"):

                    if use_url:
                        # Append "urls" if existent in each record
                        if dict_o365_record.has_key('urls'):
                            list_urls = list(dict_o365_record['urls'])
                            for url in list_urls:

                        # Append "allowUrls" if existent in each record
                        if dict_o365_record.has_key('allowUrls'):
                            list_allow_urls = list(dict_o365_record['allowUrls'])
                            for url in list_allow_urls:

                        # Append "defaultUrls" if existent in each record
                        if dict_o365_record.has_key('defaultUrls'):
                            list_default_urls = dict_o365_record['defaultUrls']
                            for url in list_default_urls:

                    if use_ipv4 or use_ipv6:
                        # Append "ips" if existent in each record
                        if dict_o365_record.has_key('ips'):
                            list_ips = list(dict_o365_record['ips'])
                            for ip in list_ips:
                                if re.match('^.+:', ip):

    log(1, "Number of unique ENDPOINTS to import...")

    # Add administratively defined URLs/IPs and (Re)process to remove duplicates and excluded values
    if use_url:
        # Combine lists and remove duplicate URLs
        urls_undup = list(set(list_urls_to_exclude + additional_urls))

        ## Remove set of excluded URLs from the list of collected URLs
        for x_url in noimport_urls:
            urls_undup = [x for x in urls_undup if not x.endswith(x_url)]
        log(1, "URL: " + str(len(urls_undup)))
    if use_ipv4:
        # Combine lists and remove duplicate IPv4 addresses
        ipv4_undup = list(set(list_ipv4_to_exclude + additional_ipv4))

        ## Remove set of excluded IPv4 addresses from the list of collected IPv4 addresses
        for x_ip in noimport_ips:
            ipv4_undup = [x for x in ipv4_undup if not x.endswith(x_ip)]

        log(1, "IPv4 host/net: " + str(len(ipv4_undup)))

    if use_ipv6:
        # Combine lists and duplicate IPv6 addresses
        ipv6_undup = list(set(list_ipv6_to_exclude + additional_ipv6))

        ## Remove set of excluded IPv6 addresses from the list of collected IPv6 addresses
        for x_ip in noimport_ips:
            ipv6_undup = [x for x in ipv6_undup if not x.endswith(x_ip)]

        log(1, "IPv6 host/net: " + str(len(ipv6_undup)))

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # URLs, IPv4 & IPv6 addresses formatted for TMSH
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    if use_url:
        #Delete existing data-group and recreating it
        result = commands.getoutput ("tmsh delete ltm data-group internal o365_url")
        result = commands.getoutput ("tmsh create ltm data-group internal o365_url type string")
        # Initialize the URL string
        url_exclude_list = ""

        # Write URLs to string    
        for url in urls_undup:
            url_exclude_list = url_exclude_list + " " + url.lower()
            result = commands.getoutput ("tmsh modify ltm data-group internal o365_url records add { " + url.lower() + " }")
            log(2, "Updated " + url + " with latest O365 url list.")

    if use_ipv4:
        #Delete existing data-group and recreating it
        result = commands.getoutput ("tmsh delete ltm data-group internal o365_ipv4")
        result = commands.getoutput ("tmsh create ltm data-group internal o365_ipv4 type ip")
        # Initialize the IPv4 string
        ipv4_exclude_list = ""

        # Write IPv4 addresses to string
        for ip4 in (list(sorted(ipv4_undup))):
            ipv4_exclude_list = ipv4_exclude_list + "{subnet " + ip4 + " } "
            #Adding the IP to a data-group record
            result = commands.getoutput ("tmsh modify ltm data-group internal o365_ipv4 records add { " + ip4 + " }")
            log(2, "Updated " + ip4 + " with latest O365 ipv4 list.")

    if use_ipv6:
        #Delete existing data-group and recreating it
        result = commands.getoutput ("tmsh delete ltm data-group internal o365_ipv6")
        result = commands.getoutput ("tmsh create ltm data-group internal o365_ipv6 type ip")
        # Initialize the IPv6 string
        ipv6_exclude_list = ""
        # Write IPv6 addresses to string
        for ip6 in (list(sorted(ipv6_undup))):
            ipv6_exclude_list = ipv6_exclude_list + "{subnet " + ip6 + " } "
            result = commands.getoutput ("tmsh modify ltm data-group internal o365_ipv6 records add { " + ip6 + " }")
            log(2, "Updated " + ip6 + " with latest O365 ipv6 list.")

    #Initiate Config Sync: Device to Group

    if ha_config == 1:
        log(1, "Initiating Config-Sync.")
        result = commands.getoutput("tmsh run cm config-sync to-group " + device_group_name)
        log(2, result + "\n")

    log(1, "Completed O365 URL/IP address update process.")

if __name__=='__main__':

Tested this on version:

Published Jun 30, 2020
Version 1.0
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