detect prior http redirect or respond
Problem this snippet solves: Summary: Detect a prior HTTP redirect or response to avoid a runtime TCL error
iRule Methodology:
This iRule detects when this or a prior iRule has issued an HTTP re...
Published Mar 17, 2015
Version 1.0hoolio
Joined September 08, 2005
Joined September 08, 2005
Jun 03, 2016I'm trying to understand how this works. When a subsequent redirect is issued after the first redirect is that when the error occurs? Or does the error happen at the end? I use multiple iRules in a modular fashion and I have to put code in the top of every iRule to detect if a redirect or respond has already happened. The issue is that every time we do a respond or redirect, we also have to remember to set a variable called gRespondOrRedirect.
Maybe this is a different case, but I do not see how this would prevent a downstream iRule from doing the second respond or redirect and causing the TCL error.
I still believe the core issue is that all iRule processing for a given event does not stop when one does a respond or redirect. A HTTP::respond 302 noserver -abort Location "..." would be helpful.