Custom reuseable iApp data profiles and other Generic useful procedures
Problem this snippet solves:
This library provides the methods for generically importing other service objects, a callback mechanism utilizing per object metadata that allows for dependancies to be correctly handled within iApps, a nice regexp get_items variant for grabbing objects with regex filters, and to generically import a table from the current service with multiple views of the data.
proc import_service { service name }
proc service_callback { }
proc import_table { table_local type } This proc allows you to import a local table in an iApp. import_table { table type} Table must be an APL table object such as $::sectionname_tablename Types ary – returns an array in "array set" form and is referenced $name(column__row#) and contains the value for that column__row# comma – returns an array in "array set" form and is referenced $name(column,row#) and contains the value for that column,row# names – returns a TCL list of the column names in the stored order – this is crucial for interpreting the "row" TCL lists referenced below row – returns an array in "array set" form and is referenced $name(row#) and contains row# in a TCL list in the order of "names" list Col – returns an array in "array set" form and is referenced $name(columnname) and contains columnname in a TCL list in the order of the rows Rowcol – returns an array in "array set" form and is referenced $name(row#) and contains row# in a TCL list of lists where each sub list is {columnname value} IMPLEMENTATION CODE array set hostfile_table [tmsh::run_proc f5.ntr_utils:import_table { $::hostfile__hostfile comma }] puts "$hostfile_table(names,1)" APL CODE section hostfile { table hostfile { string hostname choice record_type { "A", "AAAA" } string addr validator "IpAddress" } }
proc get_items_regexp { field_name field args }
Contributed by: m.earnhart
Code :
cli script f5.ntr_utils_devcentral { proc import_service { service name } { tmsh::include "f5.meta_utils" tmsh::cd /Common set fullname ${tmsh::app_name}.app/${tmsh::app_name} set cmd "\"tmsh::modify sys application service $fullname execute-action definition\"" set_service_description_meta ${service} ${fullname} ${cmd} set objs [lindex [tmsh::get_config sys application service ${service} one-line] 0] namespace eval ${name} { proc service_var { objs pre flag } { set name [namespace current] set parent_obj $pre set count 0 foreach obj $objs { if { ([expr ${count} % 2]) and ($flag eq 0)} { variable $pre_obj $obj } elseif { ([expr ${count} % 2]) and ($flag > 0)} { variable ${parent_obj}__${pre_obj} $obj } if {([llength $obj] > 1) && ($pre_obj ne "column-names") && ($pre_obj ne "rows") } { incr flag ${name}::service_var $obj $pre_obj $flag incr flag -1 } set pre_obj $obj incr count } } proc import_tables { tables } { set name [namespace current] set table_count 0 foreach table $tables { set result "" # Only process the even elements if {![expr $table_count % 2]} { set row_count 0 foreach row [set ${name}::${table}__rows] { set column_count 0 foreach column [set ${name}::${table}__column-names] { #puts "Set ${table}(${column}__${row_count}): [lindex [lindex $row 1] $column_count]" lappend result ${column}__${row_count} lappend result [lindex [lindex $row 1] $column_count] lappend result ${column},${row_count} lappend result [lindex [lindex $row 1] $column_count] incr column_count } incr row_count } variable ${table} array set ${table} ${result} } incr table_count } } proc import_variables { vars } { set var_count 0 foreach var $vars { if {![expr $var_count % 2]} { set varname $var } else { variable ${varname} [lindex $var 1] } incr var_count } } } ${name}::service_var [lindex $objs 4] "" 0 ${name}::import_tables [set ${name}::tables] ${name}::import_variables [set ${name}::variables] } proc service_callback { } { tmsh::include "f5.meta_utils" set name $tmsh::app_name set fullname ${name}.app/${name} tmsh::cd /Common catch { foreach service [get_service_description_meta $fullname] { tmsh::cd /Common eval [lindex ${service} 1] } } } proc import_table { table_local type } { set row_count 0 array set row_result {} array set col_result {} array set rowcol_result {} foreach row ${table_local} { set element_count 0 set names "" foreach element [split $row "\n"] { if { ($element_count > 0) && ($element_count < [expr [llength [split $row "\n"]] - 1])} { if { [llength $element] > 1 } { set value "[lindex $element 1]" set column "[lindex $element 0]" lappend ary_result "${column}__${row_count}" lappend ary_result "${value}" lappend comma_result "${column},${row_count}" lappend comma_result "${value}" lappend row_result($row_count) ${value} lappend col_result($column) ${value} lappend rowcol_result($row_count) "[list $column ${value}]" lappend names $column } } incr element_count } incr row_count } switch $type { row { foreach row [array names row_result] { lappend result $row lappend result $row_result($row) } set final_result ${result} } col { foreach col [array names col_result] { lappend result $col lappend result $col_result($col) } set final_result ${result} } names { set final_result ${name}s } rowcol { foreach row [array names rowcol_result] { lappend result $row lappend result $rowcol_result($row) } set final_result ${result} } comma { set final_result $comma_result } ary { set final_result $ary_result } default { set final_result $ary_result } } return ${final_result} } proc get_items_regexp { field_name field args } { set results "" puts "args: $args" append args " recursive" set folder [tmsh::pwd] if { [catch { set objs [tmsh::get_config $args] foreach obj $objs { set name [tmsh::get_name $obj] puts "name: ${name}" puts "obj: $objs" set field_value [tmsh::get_field_value $obj $field_name] puts "field_value: $field_value" puts "field: $field" if { [regexp "$field" $field_value] } { append results "$folder/" append results [format "%s\n" ${name}] } } if { $folder != "/Common" } { tmsh::cd "/Common" append objs [tmsh::get_config $args] tmsh::cd $folder foreach obj $objs { set name [tmsh::get_name $obj] set field_value [tmsh::get_field_value $obj $field_name] if { [regexp "$field" $field_value] } { append results "/Common/" append results [format "%s\n" ${name}] } } } } err] } { puts "Command failed: tmsh::get_config $args\n $err" return ${results} } return ${results} } }
Published Mar 11, 2015
Version 1.0Michael_Earnhar
Historic F5 Account
Joined October 30, 2008
Historic F5 Account
Joined October 30, 2008
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