APM SAML IdP - SP Issuer Extraction
Problem this snippet solves:
APM doesn't expose any detail about the SAML SP Issuer when authentication requests hitting APM as an IdP during an SP initiated SAMLRequest. This iRule when applied to a SAML IdP enabled virtual server will extract the assertion request, decode it and present the SAML SP Issuer ID as the session variable %{session.saml.request.issuer} within APM.
How to use this snippet:
This comes in real handy when performing authorisation of the resource and could help avoid having APM perform a TCP connection reset when a SAML resource isn't authorised.
Code :
when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { ACCESS::restrict_irule_events disable } when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::path] equals "/saml/idp/profile/redirectorpost/sso" } { if { [HTTP::method] equals "POST" } { # Colelct POST data set content_length [HTTP::header value Content-Length] HTTP::collect $content_length } elseif { [HTTP::method] equals "GET" } { #TODO } } } when HTTP_REQUEST_DATA { set payload_data [URI::decode [HTTP::payload]] log local0. "payload=[URI::query "?$payload_data" "SAMLRequest"]" if { $payload_data contains "SAMLRequest" } { # Extract SAML request data set SAMLdata [b64decode [URI::query "?$payload_data" "SAMLRequest"]] set SAML_Issuer_loc [string first "saml:issuer" [string tolower $SAMLdata]] set SAML_Issuer_start [expr {[string first ">" $SAMLdata $SAML_Issuer_loc] + 1}] set SAML_Issuer_end [expr {[string first "<" $SAMLdata $SAML_Issuer_start] - 1}] set SAML_Issuer [string range $SAMLdata $SAML_Issuer_start $SAML_Issuer_end] if { !([ACCESS::session sid] equals "" ) } { ACCESS::session data set session.saml.request.issuer $SAML_Issuer } } } when ACCESS_SESSION_STARTED { if { [info exists SAML_Issuer] } { ACCESS::session data set session.saml.request.issuer $SAML_Issuer } }
Tested this on version:
11.6- ebengNimbostratus
Did someone ever figured out the part with the GET part, where the SSO SAML is initiated with a HTTP GET?
Also has someone got an idea, once the response is signed, how can we see this content? even with SAML-Tracer I'm not able to decode the base64encoded SAMLRequest string to something readable, but the tool itself can read the SAMLRequest.
- Jad_Tabbara__J1Cirrostratus
Hello Nobby.
Thanks for sharing very usefull.
I used it on for Azure Office 365 Integration but I adapt it a little bit because the SAML Request does not contain "saml:issuer"
but instead "<issuer" so I have change the following line
set SAML_Issuer_loc [string first "saml:issuer" [string tolower $SAMLdata]]
by the following line
set SAML_Issuer_loc [string first "<issuer" [string tolower $SAMLdata]]
After that, I was able to extract the SAML SP "Issuer" value.
- Kris__109062Nimbostratus
you can't deflate in an irule (that I know of)
You need to urldecode, deflate & base64decode when the SAML SP uses Redirect Binding
I used this to get started and then found out I needed deflate.
set get_payload_data [b64decode [URI::decode [URI::query [HTTP::uri] SAMLRequest]]]
Also, I needed to update the original irule here because some SP's Auth request looked like this..
.. which didn't match so I changed to..
set SAML_Issuer_loc [string first ":issuer" [string tolower $SAMLdata]]
- svsCirrostratus
What do you mean? Redirect Binding? Just try to fetch the Request by extracting the URL parameter using HTTP::query i.e. There are a bunch of examples for extracting URL parameters on DevCentral.
- BrianNimbostratus
Any possibility of getting the GET method solution?
- svsCirrostratus
Hi Nobby,
thank you very much! This works like charm in v13 as well and helped me a lot.
Cheers, svs
- Walter_KacynskiCirrostratus
I would like to note that BIG-IP 13.1 friendly messages are displayed when SAML resources are denied.
Message: "Access to requested SAML resource is denied."