Add a Signature or Checksum to Multiple iRules
Problem this snippet solves:
Contributed by: citizen_elah
In the v11.1 GUI, you can add a checksum to multiple iRules simultaneously, but not signatures. This iApp template will allow users to select a checksum or signature and then select the iRules for application.
Code :
cli admin-partitions { update-partition Common } sys application template /Common/tcl_test { actions { definition { html-help { } implementation { if { $::genInfo__sig_or_csum == "Checksum" } { foreach obj $::genInfo__iRulesList { #puts "Checksum for $obj" exec "tmsh" "generate" "ltm" "rule" "checksum" $obj } } elseif { $::genInfo__sig_or_csum == "Signature" } { foreach obj $::genInfo__iRulesList { #puts "Signature for $obj with key $::genInfo__sigKey" exec "tmsh" "generate" "ltm" "rule" "signature" $obj "signing-key" $::genInfo__sigKey } } } presentation { section genInfo { choice sig_or_csum default "Checksum" { "Checksum", "Signature" } optional (sig_or_csum == "Signature") { choice sigKey tcl { set objs [tmsh::get_config /sys crypto key] foreach obj $objs { append results [tmsh::get_name $obj] append results "\n" } return $results } } multichoice iRulesList tcl { set objs [tmsh::get_config /ltm rule] foreach obj $objs { append results [tmsh::get_name $obj] append results "\n" } return $results } } text { genInfo "Add Signature or Checksum to iRules" genInfo.sig_or_csum "Please select Signature or Checksum." genInfo.sigKey "Please select the key for iRule signature." genInfo.iRulesList "Please select one or more iRules." } } role-acl none run-as none } } description none }
Tested this on version:
11.1Published Mar 11, 2015
Version 1.0JRahm
Joined January 20, 2005
Joined January 20, 2005
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