Need ability to rollback article revisions
The user should be able to rollback to a previous version of the article when needed. I noticed that my articles have revision numbers. However I'm unable to see each revision, the changes, nor can I rollback to a revision.
I had an issue where I pasted funky code snippet with HTML (or some reason) and it broke my entire article forcing me to recreate a brand new article. Old article is still in draft in the system ready to be troubleshooted. During this time, if I could have only rolled back to previous version article then I would be set.
Please have ability to roll back to a previous edited version.
1 Comment
- Status changed:NewtoInvestigating
The ability to review/compare/access article versions is already present.
I checked your broken article submission and this draft history is not showing.
It COULD be related to the break in that content OR it could be related to something else; still under investigation.I'll mark this as investigating, but generally speaking there is a very robust version control feature set.