Forum Discussion
TIL - Why do they call it a Cookie?
In a conversation with my 17yo a couple days ago about TikTok unique views I proposed that it would be easy(er) to count unique views because they don't have to rely on cookies the way a website might.
17 - A cookie?
Me - Yeah - a cookie is a little identifier that a website might store on your device to know that you've been here before."
Why is it called a cookie?
Because it's...because, um...I don't have any real idea! But I'm going to guess it's from a fairy tale or something.
<grabs The Google>
Ohhh, interesting. (I'll mark this as a spoiler in case you wanna think about why for just a second.)
src: HTTP cookie - Wikipedia
The moral of this story is pay attention to your junior devs. Sometimes they ask a question that makes you track back and either learn something you took for granted, never asked, or didn't TRULY know.
- JRahm
My jr dev figuring out k8s ingress controllers with me...
He's already further along than me. 😄 #justSayin
- Leslie_HubertusRet. Employee
Love this photo. Little Man has some big shoes to fill, if he chooses the tech route!
- JP-Patches
testinsg if the reply changes the URL.
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