XFF matching in data group not working for redirect
Hello everyone,
Can you help figure out what the issue is here. I have an iRule that uses the IP address or subnet as matching and determining if the connecting users are "internal/trusted" or external/non-trusted. If they connect from an environment where they match the data group via the datagroup, they need to get sent to the "/private/IDSearch" URI, otherwise, they get sent to "/public/IDSearch" area....
For some reason this is not working and all users, regardless if their IP matches the Datagroup are sent to the "/public/IDSearch" area. Rember, everyone lands on the root page (/public/IDSearch)...it's only when you match the data group via XFF will determine if you stay on the /public/IDSearch, or you get redirected to the /private/IDSearch page.
Please let me know what I am doing wrong and why this is not working...any help with troubleshooting or code recommendation would be helpful.
Thank you!
Contains the outside of the FW IP since users are going out, then sent to a CDN where they proxy/insert the XFF header, then back into the data center.
if {[HTTP::has_responded] } {return}
set CHECK_IP [lindex [lsearch -all -inline -not -exact [split [HTTP::header values X-Forwarded-For] "\{\} ,"] {}] 0]
if { ([class match -- $CHECK_IP eq INTERNAL-USERS-XFF]) } {
if { [HTTP::uri] contains "/public/IDSearch*" } {
HTTP::redirect "https://[HTTP::host]/private/IDSearch"
log local0. "IP Address: $CHECK_IP Matching INTERNAL-USERS-XFF => Redirecting to /private/IDSearch"
} else {
HTTP::redirect "https://[HTTP::host]/public/IDSearch"