Forum Discussion
Aug 31, 2011Nimbostratus
Will I lose/drop any connections on a failover?
I have a HA LTM pair with a internal floating IP and I need to reboot the active node. I've never done a fail over before (never needed to) so I wanted to ensure that when I switch my 2nd LTM to active that I won't lose any packets. Has anyone had any experience with this?
Also, to failover, do I just set redundancy state from "none" to "active"?
- natheCirrocumulusInfinity05
- Ed_Hammond_2611NimbostratusYes you will loose packets. The TCP connections on the ingress/front/top side will all be broken. Clients will need to reconnect to the new box. As mentioned, you can use connection mirroring, but that does not scale to heavy loads.
- Infinity05_1794NimbostratusThanks for your response Nathan.
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