Forum Discussion

Michael_Y_26604's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 23, 2016

Webtop Login with UPN, pass samAccountName to specific Webtop Link



I have an Access Portal configured that accepts UserPrincipalName as login through LDAP Authentication:


Start > Logon Page > LDAP Auth > SSO Credential Mapping > LDAP Resource Assign > Allow


Every Webtop Link that's clicked is automatically logged on using Single Sign On (SSO) by passing the UPN to the Link.


However, one of the Webtop Links only accepts domain\SamAccountname as login. Is there a way to specifically pass SamAccountName to a specific Webtop Link?


  • F5 said that this was not possible, but I found a workaround anyway that lets you present resources based on UPN or SamAccountName authentication after initial portal login. It's possible.


  • F5 said that this was not possible, but I found a workaround anyway that lets you present resources based on UPN or SamAccountName authentication after initial portal login. It's possible.