Forum Discussion

Abdou76's avatar
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Aug 23, 2024

Vulnérabilités divulgation d'informations


When i scan my website with Nmap, the résults show that's a Bigip device behind my server. How Can i eliminate this information disclosure vulnérability.?


2 Replies

  • I hope your F5 device had done hardening. F5 only need to be accessible from restricted network and other self ip should be allow none if it's not HA interface. You can search F5 hardening document F5 from unauthorised access and make it secure.

    • Abdou76's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus


      Hi thanks you for your réponse 

      I think I didn't explain it well. Actually, the F5 is not accessible, but during a penetration test on my website, the F5 effectively blocks the attacks. However, the attacker knows it's an F5 firewall, for example, through NMAP when I run commands on the public IP. I think I need to hide the word 'Bigip' in the HTTP header, but how do I do that?