Forum Discussion

G82_163122's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 08, 2014

Virtual Server Re-Direct

Hi, Im fairly new to F5 and totally new to irules (I have no scripting knowledge). I would like an Irule to redirect traffic from one ASM enabled Virtual Server to another with an APM profile attached. The below link explains what Im after.


The 1st 'irule targeting VIP' is what I need to know what the syntax would be.


Cheers in advance


  • very shortly: you can use the virtual command to redirect traffic to a different VS


    ... virtual second_VS ...


  • Thanks for the response, however can you please provide a little bit more info on how to do this ?


    Are you saying this 'virtual second_VS' should be included in the iRule syntax ? If so what would the rest of the config look like ? Again I am totally new to this

