Forum Discussion

writemike's avatar
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Apr 23, 2015

Viprion 2250 AOM Network Access

After reviewing SOL9403 it would appear that their is no support for setting an IP address to access AOM via the MGMT Interface and that the only way to access AOM is via the console port. Can someone confirm that this is true? Are their any other Lights Out Management Options available on the Viprion 2400 platform? Our primary use case is to monitor chassis/blade upgrades, reboots and run EUD if required. I should also mention that we currently only have one 2250 blade. Thanks.


  • Hey Mike, I believe you are correct, AOM on VIPRION is console only. That makes some sort of sense from the perspective that you could always use another blade for monitoring purposes. Obviously, in your case, with but one blade, this assumption has a negative impact.


    Just as an aside, you always need console access to run EUD AFAIK, regardless of platform.


    If you need a recommendation, I hear OpenGear are very good and reasonably priced.