Forum Discussion

merter_319420's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 02, 2017


Hi iApp experts, I just upgraded the VMware View iApp from 1.4 to 1.5. Post upgrade Horizon View clients cannot connect to their desktops. They see the error below. We are working on getting a case open with F5 Support but I thought I'd post here in case anyone knows the fix for this. Let me know what other details about our F5 you'd like to see as well.





  • The message says the client did not trust the cert presented by server. Are you offloading SSL on LTM. If so did you put a self-signed cert on the VIP instead of the cert that clients cert (CA signed cert). What certificate does it show if you hit show certificate.


  • On the surface it would appear you lost your SSL client settings in the update. I would take a look at the SSL profiles used in the iAPP, and see if one is now showing default.crt and default.key. If you see that update them to the actual cert you were using prior.


    Hope it helps.