Forum Discussion

AngryCat_52750's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 13, 2012

VDI and LTM or Edge Gateway



So we currently have a pair of Production 3600 LTMs with APM.. Our usage on these are very minimal.. CPU is at about 15% and connections at 6k and throughput ~ 30mb.. Yes thats all our traffic (exchange, web servers, application servers)


We are looking to add VMware VDI into our environment and through the F5s.. We were wondering what have others done with regards to this?


- How much load does VDI (~1000users) add?


- Would a 3600 with APM work better or an Edge Gateway.. Just for VDI..


- We are also looking to use webtops to publish our Citrix apps..


Share your thoughts please..


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