Forum Discussion
Using string map or regsub breaks non-english (UTF-8) characters
Hi Dear community ,
I woud appreciate your input. I want to replace a string inside a HTTP::payload with string map or regsub and then HTTP::payload replace. The replacement does take place but it also break the non-english [UTF-8] characters inside the HTML.
I tried implementing all the soultions I found inside DevCentral. Including these:
- Note that the argument will be interpreted as a byte array. If it is actually a UTF-8 string with multibyte characters, the output will not be what you expect. In order to prepare a UTF-8 string for use as input to HTTP::payload replace, you should first run ‘binary scan c* throwawayvariable’.
Btw, Stream profile does work fine , but it's not very compatible with APM Virtual Servers.
Best Regards,
Can you try adding
binary scan $new_data @0
in the HTTP_RESPONSE_DATA event handler? I think that's the missing piece per
- G-RobEmployee
Thanks for posting your question on DevCentral. Could you post your current iRule for easier diagnosis?
- AdirZeAltocumulus
when RULE_INIT {
# Limit payload collection to 5Mb
set static::max_collect_len 5368709
# Max characters to log locally (must be less than 1024 bytes)
set static::max_chars 900
set collect 0
if { [HTTP::path] eq "*" } {
set collect 1
if { $collect eq 1 } {
if {[HTTP::header exists "Content-Length"]}{
set collect_length_resp [HTTP::header "Content-Length"]
log local0. "Content-Length exists [HTTP::header "Content-Length"]"
} else {
HTTP::payload rechunk
set collect_length_resp $static::max_collect_len
HTTP::collect $collect_length_resp
log local0. "Response Collected [HTTP::payload length] bytes"
set newData [string map { * **} [HTTP::payload]]
HTTP::payload replace 0 $collect_length_resp $newData
HTTP::payload rechunk
}Edited by Leslie_Hubertus to tag G-Rob to make sure he sees the follow-up. 🙂
- G-RobEmployee
Can you try adding
binary scan $new_data @0
in the HTTP_RESPONSE_DATA event handler? I think that's the missing piece per
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