Forum Discussion
Using OpenID Connect to authenticate users
Hello all,
I want to use OpenID Connect to authenticate my users before gaining access to one of my application. I want to use my bigip as OpenID Provider (ie: the entity that authenticate the users) . My issue is the following: The OpendID provider (my bigip) never provides me with a ID Token. All I have is an “Access Token” and a “Refresh Token” but no “ID Token”.
Below is a description of my lab:
resource owner: ip address
bigip OpenID Provider: virtual server ip (see below for the access policy)
*The agents are left with their default values.
- Client: I user openid debugger ( in order to request the authorization code. Then I request the Tokens using an html code.
I do the following for testing :
I request the authorization code from the authorization server (ie my virtual server) . For this I use openID Connect debugger to construct the request for me. Here is the request that I send :
? client_id=e1111098ccff5f81859f9fc83eaa000c29267803efc0bb5b & redirect_uri= & scope=openid myscope & response_type=code & response_mode=form_post & state=toto & nonce=7r8saarltr
After sending this request I enter my credentials (in the logon agent), I click on authorize then the virtual server correctly redirects me to: code=cae85f6fd33c6b27f56f536b6fd9af2ca0fc78e69ac3d13799533c143b38b4ac&state=toto”
I now have a correct authorization code that I can exchange for an “access token” AND a “ID Token” .
I then send a POST to get the access and ID Tokens using the following HTML code :
*note the presence of the “openid” in the scope parameter.
However, this is what I get from the authorization server (see in the comment) :
-> I have No “ID TOKEN” ☹
Could you please help me configure my access policy so that it supports OpenID Connect and sends me an “ID Token” ??
- Karim
Here is the Tokens I get :
{ "access_token":"ewogICJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsCiAgImtpZCI6ImFkbWluIgp9.ewogICJ0b2tlbl90eXBlIjoiQmVhcmVyIiwKICAic2NvcGUiOiJteXNjb3BlIiwKICAic2NvcGVfZGF0YSI6WwogICAgewogICAgICAgICJpZCI6Im15c2NvcGUiLAogICAgICAgICJ2YWx1ZSI6ImthcmltIgogICAgfQogIF0sCiAgImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vb2F1dGgua2FiZS5sYWIiLAogICJteWNsYWltIjoia2FyaW0iLAogICJzdWIiOiIvQ29tbW9uL2thYmVfb2F1dGhfYXV0aG9yaXphdGlvbi5rYXJpbSIsCiAgImp0aSI6ImY5MTQyMGQxMDYzMmNiNmY5MTM2OGU1ODI4ZDdhNWI1YWIxZDRhYWI1ZDVmNTVlN2ZlZjY1NjBiOWFkNjQxMDIiLAogICJpYXQiOjE1MzkwODk3ODMsCiAgImV4cCI6MTUzOTA5MDA4MywKICAibmJmIjoxNTM5MDg5NDgzCn0.aTeXibnRqICbXDT84x7US6eMxx7Sdb5fDUHbpBSjvHVSKPHKRDcOoG76PTm9cOedJAH4WfgCNT1AmKE1uI0C-tUvdSPaBIpVOfLUGec9MyG2Fj1v-eeV3HoEM1RypdYvLAcGLR-AoZgbn2mca40CJPHAyw8yonpdxgNhVR3l4pzmi3xhv9hlnizNjXIG2J2qNU_2lGJfA8L2LoNKF7oEWk77_erutWKLwcuwSIdO2i5Rrr2vNahV-nxI4BG4jQXcgVJS8K4dGOe4gZwK-aBbRoliEX4DG2gLJ4t07BlvboHeHLpy7KagsRu_0yaChxqZ65l1e-zGvBjAhbu3jwAvqw", "expires_in":"300", "token_type":"Bearer", "scope":"myscope", "refresh_token":"CEJ7xkwqXJKPN8PQnnmUlRlSaI5Y6XsvIPzPq3zURuZCLn4AIak7WfasNA-ccM3Ejc1mPv6gxSAO5CgkolyQejGlw9tvIBP16y9kutn66nV7ecl7DMytO3UBQUt55RvAwfhqkyRKkjy4u5DudNOBS4wH20FfIMhM4XY3nto3yINYAewYVzpv4wIhZnZKPXRIq5qEUPhjaU-szAoLfX9aBIRmrhmGoWfgG2T3uQW7fjwfTRFzb_LkzXCi4dsAzq-WjDoBuQ4fSv6cqoRP66P9XygHODPcl0ldaOssH_oVPiXQoppKZ_I_2Bce4qcHmkobzQzZWlVvxFbnvyRCCf9-xN9PpO2d7OYzNO-2wODQEmLSHKSpnRl7Oa8A1nlDA4gZ_ks8OAz1Q0vyZgM9YcCErF1NBUN-wCTMfXBvRcNza-8z9ITDbmKlntIE9XVl9NMTHcvY1RlhLSwwsfYa67ZBSoMX67VP1DCfuD45HoBx6A3Uko4L0PxLpUkD1OzjzINTmoAy6DBlGNXnrFZXa0Aic8OHa7VIn1R0zGTfLmBybHnbZI9rN-nyhjr5vqY-HjxB-K_8X9bpmI39oWS3-eriUK1H03_M_t0VO6je3SEXK1GbgjyW2owuhZR4dBgk_eK1M9iSSiHt8Gau1bfl-9t3_prnVlrKips3aIAWIyz2q3yJLytNlejWZXTmycafdqFHerO14Dq4BG1mTcQBjeT7UBP-V3g" }
- Karim
Below is my oauth configuration :
apm profile oauth /Common/kabe_ouath { app-service none audience none client-apps { /Common/kabe_postman { } } issuer https://oauth.kabe.lab jwt-refresh-token-enc-key $M$Dz$pa6iJ2laNDA7DK2Lk9Lhl0yvxZWSXuUMaMOpe681aKsJaBh+u9fViazYSWYRhITn jwt-token enabled opaque-token disabled primary-key /Common/kabe_jwt_key } apm oauth oauth-client-app /Common/kabe_postman { app-name openid_debuger client-id e1111098ccff5f81859f9fc83eaa000c29267803efc0bb5b client-secret 7c40cd50e3a99c99caefb35d6cfa000c29267803efc0bb5b customization-group /Common/kabe_postman_oauth_authz_client_app_customization grant-code enabled redirect-uris { } scopes { /Common/kabe_scope { } } } apm oauth oauth-scope /Common/kabe_scope { customization-group /Common/kabe_scope_oauth_authz_scope_customization scope-name myscope scope-value "%{session.logon.last.username}" } apm oauth jwk-config /Common/kabe_jwt_key { alg-type RS256 cert /Common/default.crt cert-chain /Common/default.crt cert-key /Common/default.key cert-thumbprint-sha1 nbfOLqFiwWesgPxQXUrvoCyyZBk cert-thumbprint-sha256 ha7lBh7DSPvDzMtboP2NJ9zcI4B8wo9oJhy8sHeng3w key-id admin modulus p6Vhksrx3oxndL1ZOBS4CoCVumA_xw4n31yftdAyeiL3NRPO- Pa4sAopJ3S1f5joQeYLQWcxRvhp94SgeklF_BDk8gGLAjloCs1ENmCt84ktULPiItOCrHx_zsjm-dO7Dmj7RwTQahqzipLq1BN0Bqaf35jNcVOTdR1CbW2qRDGmpl407Bk9VKaHIHv17ivZW4ACWoWgyx884FTzmIr5juAEOPuJvcq_pJNctrmK6VUrumNX-uTtsHg36FGVZSVcfcZnhKOUzhwT9fD9uD1xdlmQJLbHipZM8GpKsfGm-NdnmuLiK47L9PYiEleXVOF6McT3zmj3DRW1NztnH80isw passphrase $M$8p$wqUeSn31SPsxWhnp4opxnA== public-exponent AQAB }
- ymichielsen
Support for this only seems to start in version 14.0.0.
From the release notes:
Authorization server support for OpenID Connect
APM includes OpenID Connect support in the APM Authorization Server Framework for ID token and UserInfo generation.
- Brett_Jarvis_36
We have upgraded to version build 002 and have OAuth 2 working as an authorization server. We would like to enable OpenID in order to access ID token so we can request UserInfo attributes. Has anyone successfully enable OpenID on the F5(Provider)? Anyone have a working example?
- Eric_Chen_12394Historic F5 Account
In my own lab environment I had to disable opaque tokens and enable jwt (14.1).
The following is roughly what it looks like
apm profile oauth oauth-oidc-profile { app-service none audience none client-apps { oauth-oidc-client { } } id-token-primary-key myrsa issuer jwt-refresh-token-enc-key [redacted] jwt-token enabled opaque-token disabled openid-connect enabled primary-key myrsa resource-servers { oauth-api-rs { } } userinfo-primary-key myrsa }
Results in
{ "access_token": "ewog...NifA", "expires_in": 300, "token_type": "Bearer", "scope": "openid", "refresh_token": "nrY...i62", "id_token": "ewog...LUCA" }
- paulfish
This helped alot however be aware, in a HA pair if you use the default .crt/.key as per this config you will get sync errors, it's not immediately obvious.
For Certificate File, select a certificate. Important: Do not select the default certificate when the BIG-IP system is on a chassis platform or is included in an HA pair. F5 strongly discourages the use of the default certificate in a JWK in any configuration. For Certificate Key, select one. Important: Do not use the default key when the BIG-IP system is on a chassis platform or is included in an HA pair. F5 strongly discourages the use of the default key in a JWK in any configuration.
- omrit_381141
should we create the openid scope?
- Nolan_Jensen
I was wondering if anyone figured out why user info is not being provided to servcie provider? I am trying to connect ESRI using open ID but keep getting user profile parameter is not received from providor.
I know I have ESRI configured correctly because if I use google as my IDP for oauth I am able to authenticate.I tried to create a scope of openID in version 14.1 and said that can't be used.
Oauth profile:
I have Opaque Token turned off
I have support for JWT Token and OpenID connect enabledIt is also strange that teh userinfo endpoint url page won't come up but that may be because you can't access it directly.
Anythoughts would be great. Thank you
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