URL Rewrite in LTM Policy
I have an issue that after an update to a web application the IIS rewrite rules no longer work, so I thought I'd migrate the whole thing over the our F5s that are already doing TLS for the site.
What I'm trying to do is the following:
finnishapp.domain.com -> (alternatively
swedishapp.domain.com ->
I already have a policy that matches the domain and forwards the request to the server in question, and the server listens to *:80
So the question becomes, what should I add to the policy to make it add the /appname/ part to the request, and also the language parameter for the different subpages. Also there's the edge case that the user might click on a link to change the language on the site itself, adding the ?language= parameter allover again, which should work. Aka. the following for example:
swedishapp.domain.com/?language=en ->
The site supports en, fi and sve incase it's of importance.
Or do I need to go fullbore with iRules for this?