Forum Discussion

ZM_123115's avatar
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Feb 05, 2014

URL Rewrite For Our Test Enviroment

We are making a copy of our production server infrastructure as our development environment and would like to rewrite the URL by using the F5, so that incoming traffic comes in as but header information and packet information is rewritten to We are not offloading the SSL on the F5 currently.

Incoming Internet Traffic from the would be

I did some googling and this is what I came up with, but its for HTTPS. I also realized that we may need to OFFLoad the SSL cert on the F5, so that the F5 can manipulate the traffic.

if {[string tolower [HTTP::Host]] starts_with "" } {
HTTP::header replace Host "" 

There are a few problems I can see already though:

  1. The above is for HTTP and I need HTTPS. I dont know how to configure the F5 for SSL offloading.
  2. I am concerned that this will only take care of the the Request and not the response
  3. I need to rewrite the url as well as the infromation and links on the page.
  • I think this guide explains how to configure the SSL offloaind carefully.



    Can I use the above code modified for HTTPS as iRULE?


    if {[string tolower [HTTPS::Host]] starts_with "" } { HTTPS::header replace Host "" }