Oct 25, 2011Nimbostratus
URL Redirect
I need to create an irule to redirect certain URI strings to a specific pool on my F5 device. Sound simple enough but I am having issues writing the irule to match the specific URI's.
The uri's are as follows...
https://xyz.net.au:8181/webex or
The iRule I created and is failing is as follows...
switch -glob [HTTP::host] {
"xyz.net.au {
switch -glob [HTTP::uri] {
":8181/*" { use pool Port_XYZ_8181 }
":8443/*" { use pool Port_XYZ_8443 }
default { use pool Pool_XYZ }
When broswing to https://xyz.net.au, the web data is redirect and the web page is displayed. When trying xyz.nbet.au:8181/webex the redirect fails. I suspect the irule does not match the :8181/*
How can I write this irule to meet my needs?
Please help.