Forum Discussion

mininer_62033's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 16, 2012

tomcat health monitor problem



health monitor can't work.




1. configuration:


pool test.pool {



monitor all test.http


members {}






monitor test.http {


defaults from http


interval 10


timeout 31


send "GET /mbeanclient-9.30/Action?getattribute=AcceptNewConnection HTTP/1.0"






2: telnet test


[admin@selbigip1:Active] ~ telnet 80




Connected to (


Escape character is '^]'.


GET /mbeanclient-9.30/Action?getattribute=AcceptNewConnection HTTP/1.0



HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1


Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8


Content-Length: 30


Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 03:15:06 GMT


Connection: close



trueConnection closed by foreign host.





3. tcmdump


3.1 when f5 send monitor script to server, server just get below info ( GET /)



HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol


HTTP Command: GET


URI: /


HTTP Version:


3.2 telnet and manual input script is ok.



HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol


HTTP Command: GET


URI: /mbeanclient-9.30/Action?getattribute=AcceptNewConnection


HTTP Version: HTTP/1.0




I don't know why server can't recognise F5's GET message.







  • change configuration to below, then ok.



    monitor test.http {


    defaults from http


    interval 10


    timeout 31


    recv "suc"


    send "GET /mbeanclient-9.30/Action?getattribute=AcceptNewConnection\r\n"





  • just in case you have not seen this.



    sol2167: Constructing HTTP requests for use with the HTTP or HTTPS application health monitor