Forum Discussion
Sungard Higher Ed - Luminis
- Jason_11641
Here's a little more info about the traffic flow:For the INB and SSB servers, Luminis logs the user into the server (using what Luminis refers to as “Single Sign On”), and then hands off the connection to the user. In the case of INB it actually opens a new browser window. For SSB, the default is to frame the SSB connection within the Luminis window, but the frame will be a direct connection to the SSB server. So the connections from Luminis to the SSB and INB servers will need to go through the load balancer, since that’s where direct connections to those servers would be routed.The D2L servers are being hosted by D2L, and I’m pretty sure are physically located in Canada, so that connection will need to be able to get out of the OIR network to the target system. That’s also true for any other Single Sign On connection that the schools need for their systems.There are a couple of other connections that Luminis will make to the Banner database or middle tier servers that can be routed within your network.There are Banner portlets that run within the Luminis framework. The portlets display selected sets of data from the Banner system within the Luminis window. The connection for the portlets is through a component that runs on one of the Banner middle tier servers (OAS or WebLogic server), and is a direct connection from the Luminis server to the Banner middle tier, so that connection can be routed within your network.The event processing connection, which is how we get updates from Banner to the Luminis server, are handled by a direct connection from a component that runs on the Luminis server to the Banner database. The Luminis component requests new event data from Banner, then XML transforms the data, and pushes the XML message to a message broker component running on the Luminis server. The message broker component then publishes the XML message to any system that is subscribed to the specific message type (person data, course term information, course section information, student enrollments, faculty teaching assignments).There may be multiple systems that consume the XML messages from the message broker, including D2L or the school’s local Active Directory server, so there will need to be firewall rules configured to allow connections to the message broker from outside the network. - hoolio
Hi Jason, - hoolio
Funny, I didn't see your reply when I replied. For now, here is the text from your post unmangled: - Jason_11641
Not quite sure what happened to the post above. I'm still waiting for a response from F5 about my Case that I submitted a few days ago. Basically what I've done for now is configure a virtual server with service port 0. I've configured seperate pools for each port on the backend. This is HTTPS coming into all service ports. I'm looking for a way to direct the traffic from the front end to specific pools in the backend. - Andrew_Perchalu
Jason did you ever get anywhere with this?
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