Forum Discussion
Feb 02, 2012Nimbostratus
Streamline error and response handling...
Hi there,
Currently we've got several rules set-up to do various functions.
A couple of examples are:
* Maintenance page handling
* Application error handling
* SSL Client verification handling
* Timeout handling
Several of these rules also include HTTP::Respond functions where we want to return specific content back to the client, such as a maintenance page or a sorry page...
Having these functions in multiple rules is becoming difficult to manage efficiently...
What I want to do is streamline the response handling into one iRule, and have the other rules set a variable or similar if there's an issue... This can then be handled by the response iRule as appropriate.
This is also necessary because we need to be able to provide tailored error pages for certain VIPs. I can see this being easily achieved by substituting variables on a HTML error page based of Datagroup lookups... However in order for this to be practical, I need to get the response logic contained to one iRule...
What's the best way to achieve this?
I've seen the session command mentioned, but I'm not sure exactly how to use it in this scenario...
Any guidance appreciated, and thanks in advance.
- GavinW_29074NimbostratusOk, after some further googling, I think I may have answered my own question...
when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set vari "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port]" log "Variable has been set..." }
when HTTP_REQUEST { log "HTTP Request from $vari" }
- spark_86682Historic F5 AccountUsing a variable is almost certainly the best approach here, since it seems like you'll always be doing your HTTP::respond on the same connection as you detect all your error conditions. The session table would be overkill for this, and more complicated.
- GavinW_29074NimbostratusOk, after a bit of experimentation, I came up with this:
when RULE_INIT { set static::RespondDebug 1 set static::unavailable_page [ifile get unavailable_page_html] set static::offline_page [ifile get offline_page_html] set static::secure_failure_page [ifile get secure_connection_failure_html] set static::act_logo [ifile get act_logo_png] } when CLIENT_ACCEPTED priority 1 { if {$static::RespondDebug > 0} { log "Processing CLIENT_ACCEPTED at priority 1" } Set-up base variables. set pool_error 0 set maintenance_mode 0 set ssl_error 0 set failure_result "" set response_error 0 if {$static::RespondDebug > 0} { log "Variables set: \$pool_error = $pool_error, \$maintenance_mode = $maintenance_mode, \$ssl_error = $ssl_error, \$failure_result = '$failure_result', \$response_error = $response_error" } } when HTTP_REQUEST priority 20 { if {$static::RespondDebug > 0} { log "Processing HTTP_REQUEST at Priority 20..." } if {$static::RespondDebug > 0} { log "\$maintenance_mode = $maintenance_mode, \$ssl_error = $ssl_error, \$failure_result = '$failure_result'" } Catch ACT Logo and return. if { [HTTP::uri] ends_with "logo-act.png" } { if {$static::RespondDebug > 0} { log "Returning ACT Logo..." } HTTP::respond 200 content $static::act_logo "Content-Type" "image/png" "Connection" "Close" TCP::close event disable return } Handle maintenance mode. if {$maintenance_mode} { if {$static::RespondDebug > 0} { log "Returning Maintenance page html..." } switch -glob [HTTP::method] { POST { if {$static::RespondDebug > 0} { log "POST Method - Returning Code 503" } HTTP::respond 503 event disable return } GET { if {$static::RespondDebug > 0} { log "GET Method - Returning HTML and Code 200" } HTTP::respond 200 content $static::offline_page "Content-Type" "text/html" event disable return } } TCP::close } Handle SSL error if {$ssl_error} { if {$static::RespondDebug > 0} { log "Returning SSL Error page html..." } HTTP::respond 403 content [subst $static::secure_failure_page] "Content-Type" "text/html" event disable TCP::close return } } when HTTP_REQUEST priority 750 { if {$static::RespondDebug > 0} { log "Processing HTTP_REQUEST at Priority 750..." } if {$static::RespondDebug > 0} { log "\$pool_error = $pool_error" } Handle error page. if {$pool_error} { switch -glob [HTTP::method] { POST { if {$static::RespondDebug > 0} { log "POST Method - Returning Code 503" } HTTP::respond 503 event disable return } GET { if {$static::RespondDebug > 0} { log "GET Method - Returning HTML and Code 200" } HTTP::respond 503 content $static::unavailable_page "Content-Type" "text/html" event disable return } } TCP::close } if {$static::RespondDebug > 0} { log "Passed error checking... Continuing..." } return } when HTTP_RESPONSE priority 250 { if {$static::RespondDebug > 0} { log "Processing HTTP_RESPONSE... at Priority 250" } if {$static::RespondDebug > 0} { log "\$response_error = $response_error" } if {$response_error} { switch -glob [string toupper $HTTP_METHOD] { "POST" { if {$static::RespondDebug > 0} { log "POST Method - Returning Code 503" } HTTP::respond 503 event disable return } "GET" { if {$static::RespondDebug > 0} { log "GET Method - Returning HTML and Code 200" } HTTP::respond 200 content $static::unavailable_page "Content-Type" "text/html" event disable return } } } }
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