SSO Form Based ADFS issue
Hello, I've been struggling to configure SSO HTTP form based with APM as an ADFS proxy. Right now i can see that APM is collecting username and password from session.sso.token.last.username session.sso.token.last.password properly and that the START URI is been matched, but i still been prompted for username and credentials?
I have modify login level to debug (i do not want to post it due to the huge extension but i have a reduced one) and look for any clue and i still don't understand why the credentials are not been passing through. I have attached a capture of the FormBased conf.
Can any guide me through this trouble shooting? Thank you.
Probably your username and password inputs aren't "password=". Grab a capture with fiddler or httpwatch, or httpfox, or chrome dev tools, or firefox dev tools to see what the actual POST data is to the server so you can configure the SSO object correctly.