Forum Discussion

puluck's avatar
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Sep 21, 2018

SSL Disable serverside

Hi Team ,


I am running VIP with end to send SSL but have requirement to route particular URI based request to non SSL pool . I have tried below irules but nothing working . I am able to see traffic going to http pool but getting empty reponse on client browser .


Can some one please assist . rule1 when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/myhome" } { set usessl 0 pool myhome_http_pool } } when SERVER_CONNECTED { if { $usessl == 0 } { SSL::disable serverside } }


Rule2 when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/myhome"}{ SSL::disable serverside pool myhome_http_pool } else { pool myhome_https_pool }


  • Hi,

    can you test this simple irule:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    set uri [string tolower [HTTP::uri]]
    if { $uri starts_with "/myhome"}{
        log local0. "SSL disabled for URI $uri"
        SSL::disable serverside
    pool myhome_http_pool

    Validate that you trigged condition checking logs.

    If you target in the same pool you don't need to specify the pool in if and else condition.

    keep me update regards,