Forum Discussion

cmvanwyk_16989's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 30, 2011

source ip pass-through for sourced based ip authentication

I'm still getting warmed up to F5's so please bare with me :)



Have web servers which do source based ip authentication


Trying to have as little effort on the developer side as possible for now and future projects



Would an iRule be easiest ? if so, some guidance in code would be awesome :)


If another recommended way, then please let me know what you think



Many thanks in advance





  • if routing is correct, bigip does not need to perform snat on server-side connection (between bigip and pool member). so, web server should be able to see real client ip address.



    is this what you are asking?
  • If SNAT is enabled on the virtual server and then the pool member server will not see the original source ip address. As previous, if no snat and your are relaying on routing this should work find. If you are using SNAT you have two choices, routing and forwarding virtual servers or x-forwarded-for (or some other kind of header insertation) but your backend server will need to ahve the ability to capture x-forwarded-for or remove a custom header. happy for anyone else to tell me i am wrong in my thoughts.
  • Thanks for the feedback


    I had SNAT I set to none now and created default gateway for route domain to the firewall interface on same vlan


    Now the pages doesn't load



    Ferg, tried x-forwarded-for but developers weren't picking up IP - yes they configured IIS to capture


  • I had SNAT I set to none now and created default gateway for route domain to the firewall interface on same vlan


    Now the pages doesn't load where is client and server? is client on one vlan and server on another vlan?



    Ferg, tried x-forwarded-for but developers weren't picking up IP - yes they configured IIS to capturehow did they configure iis? is it similar to sol4816?



    sol4816: Using the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header to preserve the original client IP address for traffic translated by a SNAT