Forum Discussion

Joe_H's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 19, 2013

SIP Health Monitor problem

Hi There


I am trying to implement UDP SIP Health Monitor and facing with SIP header issue.


When F5 sent the SIP Options request, it was sending with F5 FQDN which was resolved to Management IP address.


So, when the SIP server reply, it's trying to reply to management IP instead.


How do I force F5 to use "Inside" interface IP closed to SIP Server?


Thanks in advance!


Regards Joe


  • I'm not that familiar with SIP so perhaps I'm wrong but why would the server establish a new connection for it's response?


    Regardless, can you add a hostname to the request string that would resolve to the correct IP. The format would be something like: Host: