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Rene_C_'s avatar
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Feb 25, 2014

Sideband request with Helper Virtual for SSL



i am doing a sidebanding-request to an external host with ssl. I know that for SSL i need to use a helper virtual server. Now, i have a helper virtual server which has a client- and server-ssl profile assigned. As soon as this virtual has a clientssl profile, the sidebanding request fails with "Connection error: ssl_passthru:2761: not SSL (71)". Is it somehow possible to work around this and enable the sideband request to connect to the virtual through http even if there is a clientssl profile assigned?


The funny thing is, this worked some weeks ago, and i guess there has been some configuration on the http-profiles or anywhere else that now doesnt let my sideband request through...


Thanks in advance, Rene


  • Update: Now after some configuration trials, i get a strange message in the logs: Feb 25 13:58:07 atviesbf5bvrb err tmm[29876]: 01220001:3: TCL error: /Common/TOKEN_SSO - Connection failed for /Common/testvirtual.com_https [Traffic rejected] (line 1) invoked from within "connect -timeout 10000 -idle 30 -status conn_status $tempName" This is something new and just popped up as i allowed access to all VLANs and Tunnels. What does this actually mean in terms of why is it rejected now?
  • The easiest thing would probably be to do HTTP on the client side of the sideband helper VIP, and HTTPS on the server side.