Forum Discussion

monu1's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 11, 2013

Session count from table

Hi, I am using below iRule for limiting the no of sessions on F5. I want to know, If we can get the no of session in the table using CLI? Also if we can delete the session manually? when RULE_INIT { set static::total_active_clients 0 set static::sessionCookiePrefix "session" set static::max_active_clients 5 set static::sessionTimeout 120 } when HTTP_REQUEST { set subtableName "sessionLimit-shopMaintainence" set sessionCookieName "$static::sessionCookiePrefix-Maintainence" set need_cookie 0

if {[HTTP::cookie exists $sessionCookieName]} {
   set client_id [HTTP::cookie $sessionCookieName]
   set sessiondata [table lookup -subtable $subtableName $client_id]

   if { $sessiondata != "" } {

set sessionCount [table keys -subtable $subtableName -count]
log local0. sessionCount
if {$sessionCount < $static::max_active_clients} {
    set need_cookie 1
    set client_id [format "%08d" [expr { int(100000000 * rand()) }]]
    set sessionValue [IP::client_addr]

    table add -subtable $subtableName $client_id $sessionValue $static::sessionTimeout
             log local0. "[HTTP::cookie names] [IP::client_addr]      NEW"
} else {
    HTTP::redirect ""


when HTTP_RESPONSE { if {$need_cookie == 1} { HTTP::cookie insert name $sessionCookieName value $client_id path "/" } }

Thanks for your help.

  • There is no direct access (yet) to the session table from the CLI. My one recommendation would be to add a service URI to your above iRule to respond to local cURL requests:

    when RULE_INIT { 
        set static::total_active_clients 0 
        set static::sessionCookiePrefix "session" 
        set static::max_active_clients 5 
        set static::sessionTimeout 120 
    when HTTP_REQUEST { 
        set subtableName "sessionLimit-shopMaintainence" 
        set sessionCookieName "$static::sessionCookiePrefix-Maintainence" 
        set need_cookie 0
         service function to return session table count
        if { ( [HTTP::uri] equals "/getcount" ) and ( [class match [IP::client_addr] equals my_allowed_clients] ) } {
            HTTP::respond 200 content [table keys -subtable $subtableName -count]
        if { [HTTP::cookie exists $sessionCookieName] } {
            set client_id [HTTP::cookie $sessionCookieName]
            set sessiondata [table lookup -subtable $subtableName $client_id]
            if { $sessiondata != "" } {
        set sessionCount [table keys -subtable $subtableName -count]
        log local0. sessionCount
        if {$sessionCount < $static::max_active_clients} {
            set need_cookie 1
            set client_id [format "%08d" [expr { int(100000000 * rand()) }]]
            set sessionValue [IP::client_addr]
            table add -subtable $subtableName $client_id $sessionValue $static::sessionTimeout
            log local0. "[HTTP::cookie names] [IP::client_addr]      NEW"
        } else {
            HTTP::redirect ""
    when HTTP_RESPONSE { 
        if { $need_cookie == 1 } { 
            HTTP::cookie insert name $sessionCookieName value $client_id path "/" 

    From the command line you can now issue a cURL request:

    curl http://VIP/getcount

    which should return the current table count. I also added a data group address match so that you could lock it down to a defined set of client source addresses.