Forum Discussion

Sarah_258804's avatar
Jun 20, 2016

Security menu item missing

Hi all, so I'm missing the "Security" menu item on my F5 Big-IP running version 12.0.0 Build 0.0.606 Final. It is an option that's licensed, I will list my "Active" Modules or upload a screenshot here.


How do I get the Security configuration item to show?





  • Hi,


    the security menu is displayed when AFM, PFS or ASM are provisioned.


    • Sarah_258804's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
      Hey Yann, I just realized this shortly after I submitted this question. So my next question is, if I have two Big-IPs in an Active-Standby HA pair and I provisioned resources on one of them, only one F5 should reboot, correct? Or is that configuration change going to propagate to my second F5 and reboot that one as well?
    • Yann_Desmarest_'s avatar
      Icon for Nacreous rankNacreous
      Only the F5 that you changed the provisioning. As it restart all services, it may affect the HA.
    • Sarah_258804's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
      I just performed the provisioning. I was able to do one F5 at a time and only lost a tiny bit of traffic to my virtual servers while the F5s failed over (about 7 pings). The only weird thing that I saw with HA afterwards was that I had to perform the steps in the guide below to re-sync the "datasync-global-dg". Everything else went smoothly. Thank you for your help!
    • Sarah_258804's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
      Hey Yann, I just realized this shortly after I submitted this question. So my next question is, if I have two Big-IPs in an Active-Standby HA pair and I provisioned resources on one of them, only one F5 should reboot, correct? Or is that configuration change going to propagate to my second F5 and reboot that one as well?
    • Yann_Desmarest's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
      Only the F5 that you changed the provisioning. As it restart all services, it may affect the HA.
    • Sarah_258804's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
      I just performed the provisioning. I was able to do one F5 at a time and only lost a tiny bit of traffic to my virtual servers while the F5s failed over (about 7 pings). The only weird thing that I saw with HA afterwards was that I had to perform the steps in the guide below to re-sync the "datasync-global-dg". Everything else went smoothly. Thank you for your help!