Forum Discussion
Apr 25, 2012Altostratus
Replacing a ISA rule
Hi we have replaced a ISA server with a bigip ltm and i need to silently rewrite a uri and send it to another host (pool).
The uri collects data to do a overlay on a map, at the moment its not working.
The uri is /MapProxy/sparrzoner/* and need s to be translated to /ArcGIS/rest/services/sparrzoner/MapServer/*
but on another host.
I thought first of doing this with proxypass but iam not getting it to work and i can see that in the translated path there are extra /, any ideas how this could solved.
Maybe iam making thsi more complicated that it needs to be with proxypass ?
Regards Craig
- hoolioCirrostratusHi Craig,
when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set default_pool [LB::server pool] } when HTTP_REQUEST { switch -glob [HTTP::path] { "/mapproxy/sparrzoner/*" { pool map_pool HTTP::path [string map -nocase {/MapProxy/sparrzoner/ /ArcGIS/rest/services/sparrzoner/MapServer/} [HTTP::path]] } default { pool $default_pool } } }
- CGIAltostratusThanks a lot worked quite well the only change that was necessary was to remove the trailing slash from the /MapProxy/sparrzoner, iam not sure why but it would seem that otherwise the paths dont work, its most small jpg files.
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