Forum Discussion

Lucilius_223799's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 19, 2016

redirect F5

Hello,   I had a question about redirecting on the F5. We have a VS with probably around 30+ redirects. Now we wish to redirect all the pages from the VS to a single maintenance page is this possi...
  • Yann_Desmarest_'s avatar
    Jul 19, 2016



    if you are using an irule to do redirects, you just need to add a peace of code on the top of the irule to redirect the user in every condition like this :


    when HTTP_REQUEST {
            HTTP::respond 302 Location "https:://" Connection Close

    You add those two lines at the top of the irule and all requests should be redirected to If you need to keep the original uri, you can change the redirect command by this one :


        HTTP::respond 302 Location "https:://[HTTP::uri]" Connection Close

    If you are using LTM policies, you can add a rule at the top of your rule set to redirect all requests to the desired host


    And finally, you can shutdown your assigned pool and add a fallback url in your http profile assigned to the Virtual Server.