Forum Discussion

Mic_65039's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 18, 2012

RAM CACHE and Stale-if-error option




I'm using a PROFILE with RAM Cache enabled and a Max age=600


Is there an option on the BIG-IP such "Stale-if-error" which will allow to serve the stale content in RAM cache when origin is down?


This is to avoid sending an error to the end-user when TTL is expired and object already in cache.










  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Mic,



    I don't believe this is possible currently. You could open a case with F5 Support to confirm this. If that's true for now, you could request an enhancement to support this type of functionality. I think it could make a good feature.



    Thanks, Aaron
  • Hi Aaron,



    thanks for your quick reply.


    I opened a case with F5 support. hope they will answer quickly.


    I was taking a look in the BIG-IP guide and found nothing on this.


    But maybe this option avaible with the webaccelerator module only..






  • Hi Aaron,



    I had the reponse from F5 support and they said it's not possible with RAM cache profile.



    I have another idea, let me know if you could help me.


    I will increase the max-age to 1week in the profile and will set use this script to clear the cache:



    Save the output file name as the script name


    OUT=/var/log/`basename $0`.out



    Print the date and script name


    echo "`date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S`: `basename $0`: starting" >> $OUT



    List the current RAM cache entries for one HTTP profile


    echo "Entries before delete:" >> $OUT


    b profile http HTTP_1 ramcache entry show >> $OUT



    Delete current RAM cache entries for one HTTP profile


    b profile http HTTP_1 ramcache entry all delete



    List the current RAM cache entries for one HTTP profile


    echo "Entries after delete:" >> $OUT


    b profile http HTTP_1 ramcache entry show >> $OUT



    BUT i'd like to include a condition:


    If Pool_1 is down, then do not delete the RAMCACHE.



    Do you know to write this?






  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Mic,



    You could try something like this:



    tmsh show ltm pool $pool_name | grep 'Availability : offline'


