Forum Discussion
Nov 17, 2011Nimbostratus
Question on using ProxyPass
Our application developers want to have multiple versions of their application behind the same virtual server. The different versions of the app are in new pools. I am trying to support this using the proxypass v10 iRule. The app version is embedded in the URI like this: /appname4_3 and /appname5_1
My external datagroup for ProxyPass is this:
"/appname4_3" := "/appname4_3 appname_4.3_80",
"/appname5_1" := "/appname5_1 appname_5.1_80"
As I understand it, this should enable requests to version 4.3 of the application be directed to pool appname_4.3_80 and requests to v5.1 to pool appname_5.1_80.
My virtual server is name test_80 and my data group is named ProxyPasstest_80 and the virtual server has ProxyPass listed as its only iRule resource.
I have enabled debugging at level 2 in the ProxyPass and I have a default pool on the virtual server set to appname_4.3_80
Looking at the ltm logs ProxyPass isn't even being called. The traffic is hitting the default pool for the virtual server and there are no log entries generated by ProxyPass.
Can anyone give me a pointer on how to move forward with ProxyPass or is there a better way of doing this?
FYI, this works fine on our v9 LTM (with the v9 ProxyPass), but trying to implement this on our v10 LTMs is the issue.
- hoolioCirrostratusHi Kent,
if { $static::ProxyPassDebug > 1 } { log local0. "[virtual name]: [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] -> [IP::local_addr]:[TCP::local_port]" }
- Kent_Perrier_50NimbostratusI don't get anything in the log for the iRule even firing. This is the only virtual server that has the proxypass irule assigned to it, so I don't think it could be a name space collision in variable names.
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